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After realizing that it was Nick Fury that broke into Steve's apartment, I released him from the spell. Fury slid down the wall and let out a loud groan as he held his side. Steve's eyes widened as he rushed over and helped him up before setting him on the couch while I just stood there and placed my hands on my hips.

Steve glanced at him. "You could've helped," he said.

I shrugged. "Not my fault you didn't give him a key," I retorted.

"You really think I need one?" Fury asked as he groaned. He glared at me. "Didn't know he had...a guess."

"That's why you call first," I said like it was obvious. "Now, what are you doing here?"

Steve stepped back and gave Fury some room. Fury gave me a look that he wanted to talk to Steve alone, but there is no way I'm leaving him alone. Especially since he looked like someone just kicked his ass. Fury let out a sigh when he realized that I wasn't gonna go anywhere.

"My wife kicked me out," Fury began.

My brows furrowed as Steve said, "Didn't know you were married."

"There are a lot of things you guys don't know about me."

"I feel sorry for her," I commented. Steve gave me an annoyed look as he turned on the lights, which I returned with a blank stare. "What? It's obvious we don't like each other. I'm not going to be nice because he's your boss." The guy doesn't like what he can't control. And he doesn't control me. I was done following people's orders for seven years now.

Fury held up his hand before turning the lights off. He took his phone out and began typing something. He looked at us before he flipped his phone around.


"And I'm not going to be nice to you because you're a demonic princess," Fury said as he motioned us to play along as he typed something else on his phone. "But I have no other choice since there's no other place for me to crash."


"Because you have no other friends," I stated, which earned another glare from Steve. I shrugged my shoulders again in response. Well, how else am I supposed to act?

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve asked. Fury cleared his throat as he got up.


"Just my friends," Fury said. Then he glanced at me. "And Raven."

"Is that what we are?" Steve asked with uncertainty. I would be, too if Fury just drops by out of the blue like that.

"That's up to you."

Everything that happened after that went by so fast. Something came crashing through the window and struck Fury in the back. Fury grunted as more shots were fired at him. His body jerked back and forth as three more bullets struck him before Fury fell. Steve and I rushed over to him. I immediately ripped part of my cloak and applied pressure to a few of the bullet holes.

"Raven," Steve called out. He motioned towards the window, where the shooter might still be at.

I nodded at him as I projected out of the apartment complex and towards the outside. I didn't go in front of the shooter. I flew around until my head popped out of the side of the building across the street. The shooter's face was covered well. He wore a mask that covered half his face while his eyes were painted black. He had medium length hair up to his neck. The thing that took me by surprise was his left arm was completely metal with the red star on the shoulder.

I didn't waste time before flying right at the guy. My arms went around him as I tackled him to the ground. Well, try. The shooter grabbed me right when he hit the ground and flipped me over. As I got up, he began charging at me. He threw his fist up but I ducked under it before I tried to kick his feet from under him. The guy jumped before he tried to punch me again. I brought my hand up to make a small shield before he could hit me. I tried to punch him but he blocked it before swinging his other arm. I brought my other hand up and had my dark energy wrap itself around the metallic arm before he was able to hit me. He looked at his arm in confusion. I used that as my advantage to thrust my other hand out and shoot a dark beam at his abdomen to push him away from me.

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