Big Surprise

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It took us a while but we finally arrived at an abandoned military base. I furrowed my brows as I took a look at the entrance.

"Are we sure this is the right place?" I asked.

Steve nodded slowly. "Yeah," he replied. "This is where I came from."

My eyes glowed as I created a portal in front of the gate. I went in first before Steve followed me. My eyes closed as I let my soul-self come out to start searching through each building.

"This camp was where I was trained," Steve muttered sadly.

My eyes shut a bit tighter as my projection couldn't find wherever the signal was coming from. It was a bit difficult for me to concentrate when I could feel Steve stare at the side of my head.

"What?" I asked as I opened my eyes, my soul-self returning to me.

"Nothing, I'm just...reminiscing about my time here," he half-lied. "Must have spaced -" Steve stopped mid-sentence and looked past me. "- out."

I followed his line of vision and saw one of the buildings was not that far from us. "What?"

Steve made his way towards it. I furrowed my brows and started following him as he explained, "Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place."

Once we were near the front door, I lift my hand to create another portal for us to go through. Steve grabbed my arm and shook his head before using his shield to break the lock. I gave him an annoyed look at the unnecessary action.

"After you," he said as he held the door open for me.

"What's up with you opening doors for me?" I asked as I went in first.

"Can't I be friendly?"

"You can but it's annoying," we both finished at the same time. How the hell did he know I was going to say that?

"Lucky guess," he answered my unasked question.

We walked down the stairs. Steve found the light switch and flicked it on. My head tilted a bit to the side when I noticed a familiar logo plastered on the wall.

"SHIELD,"  I mumbled as we walked forward.

"Maybe where it started," Steve concluded.

We made our way over to a door. Steve slowly pushed it open before letting us in. The first thing I noticed was the portraits on the wall. Three of them to be exact. Two of them look very familiar. The woman was obviously Peggy when she was younger. I got closer to the portrait in the middle as I started to recognize some of the features.

"You ok?" Steve questioned me with a bit of hopefulness in his voice. Odd.

I nodded. "Yeah." I tilted my head more. "Now I can see where Tony gets that scowl from." Steve let out a disappointing sigh walking further into the room and before stopping in front of a bookshelf. "What?"

Steve started to feel around the shelves. "If you're already working in a secret office..." Using one hand, he pushed the shelf aside to reveal a small elevator. "Why do you need to hide the elevator?"

I nodded before grabbing his wrist. "Let's find out."

A small portal opened below us. Steve and I fell through until we reached the end of the elevator shaft. I let go of Steve's wrist as we touched the ground. The lights automatically turned out to reveal an old-fashioned computer in the middle of the room.

Looking around the room in confusion I asked, "Are we sure we got the right spot?"

"Signal came from here," Steve said.

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