Who The Hell Is Bucky?

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My eyes turned white as I raised my hand.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos!" I chanted. My dark matter engulfed the tires of the car. Turning my hand, I pushed the car away from the vehicle that was rammed behind us.

I portaled my way to the top of the car, my hand still focused on the tire. With the other one, I began shooting beams at the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier started to shoot at me. My eyes widened a bit as I ducked, swerving the car toward the side. The car slid up and came down with a hard crash.

"She can't steer the car while fighting!" Sam shouted.

"Raven!" Steve called out.

My other hand went to the driver's side of the car. "Hold on to something!" I instructed.

Steve grabbed Sam before my magic engulfed the car. I sank back in and portaled all of us out of the car and onto the road. Steve used his shield to soften the skid he and Sam shared. I floated down and landed next to Steve while our steerless car crashed into another, making it flip. The car that was following us skid to the stop. The Winter Soldier hopping off the hood while one of Hydra's agents came out and handed him a gun. They held their guns up and fired at us. Steve held up his shield while I flew toward Sam. My body covered his while I created a force field to avoid the blast.

We heard this big explosion moments later. I looked to see Steve's body being hurtled across the street until he crashed into a city bus window. Soon, a truck honked its horn before colliding with the bus, making both vehicles flip.

I grabbed Sam and hauled him up. I got rid of the force field but still made a wall to protect us as we ran toward separate cars. Once we got behind them, I lowered the wall. Sam took out his gun and cocked it.

"You might want to run the other way," I wanted him, not wanting him to get caught in the crossfire.

"I'm not gonna -" Sam stopped once I showed him my red eyes. "Good luck!" he yelled before running one way.

I looked around, only to crowd back when more Hydra agents continued to fire at me. All that pent-up anger I had the past 2 days is finally gonna come out. I felt some tendrils come out of my back as my eyes glowed blood red. My mouth opened as I let out this canary-like cry before coming out of my hiding spot. Hydra's agents kept firing at me but one of my tendrils kept blocking each bullet while the others reached over and yanked them up by their feet and tossed them aside. My tendril grabbed a broken car piece and thrust it toward the Winter Soldier but he dodged before firing at me again. I sank into the ground, reverting to normal, as I portaled toward the streets.

With that, I started making my way toward the destroyed bus Steve's in...if he's still in there. I kept running before I caught the shadows of the Winter Soldier from above. Better not come out yet unless I want a bullet to my head, but I have to get to Steve. Or at least make an escape route for him.

The Winter Soldier hasn't noticed my presence yet so I conjured up more mist around my hands. He cocked his gun and aimed it toward the bus. My hands glowed before I shot dark beams at him. One manages to strike his face since he coward back. I ran toward the broken truck. I heard the Winter Soldier firing at my old place. Levitating some car parts, I hurled them toward him. I slid back once he started shooting. Since his focus is on me now and not Steve, I levitated before flying away from him as I dodged more bullets.

I kept moving out of the way. I portaled myself under the streets as before appearing behind a van. I can't keep dodging the Winter Soldier. But it's hard for me to get an attack in with him firing at me. Quickly taking off my cloak, I levitated it behind the car across from me. I looked back to see if the Winter Soldier spotted it. It was confirmed when he started walking toward the other car as I made sure he spotted the top of the cloak. He took out a small flash grenade him the back of his pocket before rolling it under the car. He stood straighter and pointed his gun in the direction the grenade was in. The grenade exploded. The car shot up in the air. The Winter Soldier lowered his weapon once my destroyed cloak floated down. I took that opportunity to fly over. My arms wrapped around his neck while my legs were around his waist. I tightened my arms to try to crush his windpipe. The Winter Soldier staggered back to a nearby car and trusted back so I could hit the windshield. While I let out a grunt, he grabbed my arms and threw me over his shoulder and across the lot.

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