Hiding Spot

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I've searched all over the city for out mystery attacker but couldn't find him anywhere. How is he able to disappear like that so fast? And how did he even manage to get the best of Steve? Why did I let myself get so distracted by his eyes? I never gotten distracted over something so stupid before. Maybe we would have caught the assassin if I haven't let my guard down.

After searching the whole city, I went to the hospital Fury's at. I might not like that man, but he's important to SHIELD. And if something were to happen to him, everyone might begin to freak out. Not to mention Natasha might go beserk because he's the guy that gave her a family, whether she wants to admit it or not.

Once I've arrived, I ran quickly towards the emergency room. When I opened those doors, the doctors were still operating on Fury. Steve looked back, I slowly shook my head to tell him I didn't find the shooter. Steve sighed in disappointment before I stood next to Natasha. Her eyes haven't left the operating table as the doctors tried to keep Fury's heart pumping. Fury's chest lifted from the operating table but his heartbeat kept getting weaker and weaker until the line went flat.

I glanced down when Natasha's hand clenched from her side as the doctors shook their heads at each other. I'm not that good at comforting people, so the best I could do is gently place my hand on her shoulder. Don't really know if it gave her any comfort but I thought it did when her hand started to relax. But only for a bit.

The doctors opened the door for us and Natasha immediately went in. Steve and I exchanged a look before he went in after her. I let out a sigh before following after but stayed close to the door. Natasha had her hand over Fury's face as she was giving him the final goodbye. Her poker face is really good but I could feel the sadness rading off her. Rading off everyone in this room mostly. Suddenly, Natasha's sadness went away and was replaced with anger. She walked out of the hospital room. Steve exchanged a worried look with me before we both went and followed her.

"Natasha," Steve called her. Natasha came to an abrupt stop and faced us.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" Natasha asked.

Steve shrugged. "I don't know."

I wanted to glare at Steve because anyone could tell that it was a lie. Steve can't really lie that well. The look on Natasha's face showed that she didn't buy it.

"Raven, why was he there?" she asked me this time with such sternness.

As much as I hated the guy he trusted me not to blab to anyone, sorta. If SHIELD is compromised then who knows who can be trusted. I doubt Natasha would go against them. She's one of their best workers. I would tell her but just as Fury said, there are ears everywhere. Even if I tell her what happened, there could be someone else listening in.

"I don't know. Everything just went hectic when he came," I lied. Natasha's glare made it clear that she's disappointed and pissed off at me but she got my little code word.

"Cap, Raven," we heard. Steve and I turned to see Brock Rumlow walking up to us. "They want you guys back at SHIELD."

"Yeah, give us a second," Steve said.

"They want you now."

I glared at Rumlow. "He said give us a second," I sneered.

Rumlow raised his hands in surrender before walking away. When I turned back around, Natasha gave us a disappointing look before letting out a scoff.

"You're a terrible liar," she told Steve before looking at me. "And I thought you hated liars. Looks like you're becoming one."

Then she turns around and walks off. The one thing Natasha told me a few months after we met was not to lie to each other. It's fine if we lie to other people though. Besides Tony and Steve, Natasha knows more about me. About my home on Azarath and my time with the Titans. She's probably the only one that doesn't question my decisions.

I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips. I looked towards Steve, who pulled something out of his pocket. "What's that?" I ask.

"It's something Fury gave me," he answered as he held up the flash drive for me to see. "I didn't get a chance to see what was in it."

"So what are you going to do? We can't exactly take that back to SHIELD. They might be checking our pockets once we get there." Good thing my usual attire doesn't have any.

"I know," Steve sighed as he started to think. He looked up at the vending machine and his eyes widened.

I rolled my eyes as he went over and placed the flash drive in the far back where the gums were at. If anything, I would have at least put it behind the pretzels or some other snack no one is going to eat. And the bag would be big enough to block it instead of the small sticks of gum.

Steve nodded at me before he started to walk towards Rumlow. Steve really needs to learn where to hide things. Like at least hide it in the ventilation systems or remove the tiles ceiling and taping it there. Not in some stupid vending machine.

It wasn't that hard for me to look annoyed as I followed Steve. I get they're going to question us about Fury, but...do I really have to go?


A/N: Yes, Raven, you really have to go.

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