A peaceful camping trip

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Life in university goes well for Takagi and Nishikata. But two of them started to get bored and decided to find something to do. Both of them started to discuss what they can do this weekend.

 Both of them started to discuss what they can do this weekend

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"Hey Nishikata, it's almost holiday, what can we do?"

"Um.... I don't know.... let me think....."

"How about going to the beach?" takagi asked

"Um.... I don't think it is a great idea, because there will be so many people."

"what can we do then?"

"How about camping?"

"You mean camping with our friends?"

"No, I mean, just the two of us......." Nishikata is a bit shy., and Takagi too.

"Sure, why not?" She replied.

"Let's go on holiday then!" Nishikata smiled and said.


"Nishikata, have you prepared all the things?"

"Yes, we can go now."

On the way~~~

"Nishikata, remember the last time we went camping with Hiro and Sakura?"

"Yeah, it was quite an adventure."

"Yeah. luckily you found me at that time."

"This time, we should stick together."

"We always stick together aren't we?" Takagi asked.

"Yeah...... we are." Nishikata's face turns red.

"I won't make you scared this time, I will make sure that I will be safe all the time."

"I will make sure you will be safe by my side." Nishikata said.

After they reached the camping site, they settled everything and went to the river to get some water.

After they reached the camping site, they settled everything and went to the river to get some water

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"Nishikata, is everything ok?"

"Yeah it is, everything is fine."

"By the way Nishikata, I am always wondering......"

"Wondering what?"

"Um.... I think I will ask you later." Takagi walked away and went back to the tent.

Nishikara didn't care about it too much and he kept on fetching water, after a while, he came back.

At night, both of them sat at the grass plains and cooked Their dinner together.

"Sometimes going camping is quite nice, right?" Takagi asked.

"Of course, sitting at a quiet place where no one would disturb us, it's quite romantic." Nishikata smiled and said.

"Yes, it is." Takagi and Nishikata are eating their food, and they both seem happy.

"By the way Nishikata, do you know how Hiro and Sakura are right now?" Takagi asked.

"Not quite, I didn't contact them for a while......."

"Maybe we should call them next time and have a double date?'" Takagi asked him.

"That's a great idea, I wanna talk with Hiro too."

Two of them ended this conversation, and the place started to be quiet.

"By the way Nishikata..... I am always wondering....." Takagi wanted to ask him something, but she didn't say it out loud.

"Oh, the question earlier? you may ask."

"I am wondering, will we successfully walk the path together?"

"Oh, do you mean the path where we could see animals? We can......" before he finishes his words, Takagi cuts in.

"No, I mean..... the path of our future." Takagi said.

Nishikata let Takagi lay on his shoulder, and said,

Nishikata let Takagi lay on his shoulder, and said,

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"I don't know you would have such thoughts.... um..... I know you may be scared, but I can promise you, as long as I am not dead, I will always be with you....... "

Nishikata's face turns a bit red and kept on talking



Takagi suddenly kissed him, and she said

Takagi suddenly kissed him, and she said

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"Let's go to sleep, shall we?"

Nishikata looked at her face, and he could feel that all her worries had gone.

Nishikata's thought:

(You always said that I am a little boy, but........)

"Nishikata! Are you coming in?"She asked

"Yes, I am coming!" He replied.

(But you are more like a little girl to me, and I just couldn't stand seeing you being sad. So, please be happy all the time, Takagi.)

This time, a peaceful camping trip seems to be a better camping trip for them! Takagi may look like she is tough and strong, but she is also human, and it seems that Nishikata did a great job this time!

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