XL: Eight Memories Made

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❝A million feelings. A thousand thoughts. A hundred memories. All for one person.❞
—Dwayne Carter Jr.

There are moments that remain in memory forever. If I look back, memories aren't particularly pleasant. There is more bitterness and pain than happiness and fun.

But there are bright patches of flowers scattered far and wide across the barren wasteland of my memory. And as my life continues, I pray that these patches will grow into beautiful gardens.

As for now, I wonder what type of land will form to represent the moment.

Alexander and I are back in New York, spending the majority of our time in our apartment. It feels nice to be back here, but I still miss Alaska dearly. I miss the uncongested streets and friendly citizens and the Russian language.

It took me a while to remember to switch back to English.

But we're here, and we'll be here until we're called back into action. And judging by what John has told me about what has been discussed in his meetings, that won't be for a long while. Washington and Eaton are hesitant to send the AC anywhere after our failed mission to take Ukraine back. Besides Washington plans to station large normal Army units in South Korea to push back on the North Korean movements; he'd like to focus there for a while.

So we have some time. Alexander, being the type of cyka he is, is using our downtime to continue my lessons from where we left off... or, from where I told him I don't care anymore.

Alexander is constantly trying to fill his brain with knowledge, and I can't keep up.

January 13, 2059.

"It doesn't matter what you want to do," Alexander said as he handed me the entirety of the Constitution in book form two days ago. "This is a matter of what you have to do."

"I just don't see how memorizing every detail about the Constitution is going to come in use."

"It makes it easier to pass as an American."

I flipped through the pages, counting the Amendments in annoyance. "How so?"

"Because by law, all American students had to take a Constitution test... twice. If you know nothing, then you might as well come out and say you're Russian."

So I submitted to his lessons. For two hours a day, he focuses on a different section of the Constitution, forcing me to read through it and give a summary.

This is hard for me. There are a lot of English words I don't understand, and the vocabulary used in this document is far too complex for me to wrap my head around; what the hell does quorum and Magna Carta even mean? But hell, I tried to absorb as much information as possible. I hope my work will pay off... I guess I'll find out soon. Alexander is giving me a test.

"What is the main focus of the Sixth Amendment?"

I take a deep breath, reaching for my Constitution book.

"In your own words," Alexander stops me, pushing away my book.

I squint my eyes at him, then reach for my mini notebook where I took several notes.

"And from memory," Alexander once again stops me, tossing my notebook with the Constitution.

"Cyka blyat," I hiss. "Umm, let me think."

Alexander stares down at his own copy of the Constitution, showing me the leather cover as if to taunt me. He peers at me over the book, his violet eyes looking me up and down with a calculated stare.

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