LXXV: Seventeen Books in a Box

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❝Kiss me with your eyes.❞
—Andy Warhol

Saying America has been completely chaotic over the past couple of months would be an understatement.

A lot has happened in what feels like a short period of time, but was, in reality, about five months.

Five whole months and these are the big things that happened:

James has been shit-talking me non-stop. Literally. Anytime he talks to someone, he can't seem to help bringing me up. You'd think he was obsessed. Well, most celebrities either respect him or fear him, so except for a few key people, most celebrities buy the bullshit that he says: that I'm ungrateful, that I'm self-centered, that I think that I deserve what I have more than they do.

Meanwhile, Eliza and Alexander's relationship has been going smoothly. Like, really smoothly. Fans are calling them a power couple — the next Echo and August, or Hunter and Rose. They go on dates, Eliza visits our place or Alexander visits hers, and even if they've spent the whole day together, they make a point to call before bed and often talk up until three in the morning. Yeah, Eliza seems really happy with Alexander. As for Alexander, he sure as hell is good at acting happy.


The Amendment that would make the Secretary of Defense third in line for President was passed in Congress and ratified by the states. It's official, if President Eaton and Vice President Arnold die, George Washington will take control of the country.

As for the bill that would send Russian Americans into cantonments, Maximilian seemed to take what I said to heart. He said he would refuse to support the bill, and after he declared his hesitance, many other politicians from both parties sided with him. There weren't enough votes to pass the bill, but rather than eradicating it, it was pigeonholed, meaning it will be discussed later. The point is, Russian Americans are safe for now. It's remarkable, really, how great of an influence Maximilian has. Truly the last hope for a decent politician. Well, his re-election comes up in November; let's see if he makes it. What I know for sure is that Alexander will be holding off on his Party smear campaign.


It was around early February when talks between America and Britain ended. And it ended on a bad note. The King of Britain said something or another, I don't really know, and it sort of sparked a little tension between the two global superpowers. Neither the American nor British AC will be transported to the Ukraine-Poland fighting... I guess that means I'm not leaving.

At the same time this was happening, France got back on its feet at last. There is an established government, a new leader, and a forming military. That doesn't change the fact that the economy is in the shit, nor does it bring back the millions of people those psychos killed to get what they want. The point is, there are fears that France might have strong Russian influence from within. Why? Well, the new leader happens to be a Russian sympathizer. I think back to when Nikolai asked me to let France crumble so that Russia may claim it as their own. I suppose he was very serious. I have a hunch this leader is somehow a pawn of Nikolai's, and I fear Nikolai has ambitious goals.


I've been nearing mental breakdowns every day. Between doing photo shoots, interviews on major news stations, and having occasional visits with Washington, I've been struggling to keep my head clean of terrible thoughts.

The mental torture I've been enduring makes me wonder if life is a dream or not. This can't possibly all be real, can it?

The stress is consuming my very soul.

But... but in the middle of chaos, there is hope for peace.

John is that peace.

We had a hard time getting the timing right to spend some much-needed quality time together. Time. But after bugging Reynolds, convincing Alexander, and making arrangements, with John, it's finally happening. We're going to spend time together...

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