S4 Chapter 5

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Walking into the common area, Bakugo and Todoroki glared at each other, their school bags flung over their shoulders in an angry fashion. Because they were the only two that failed the provisional exam that meant they had to attend extra classes over the weekend, which neither were thrilled about.

It was true that the boys were less hostile towards each other now but that was only because they shared a common interest, Amari. If she wasn't there then that just made them have no reason to get along. Besides, hearing everyone talk about their upcoming work studies was frustrating enough without having to tolerate each other. It was honestly a recipe for disaster.

Although Todoroki and Bakugo quickly perked up, now seeing Amari running towards them like a small dog, excited and jumpy like they had come to know. "Hey guys! How's your extra classes going?"

Yet because she was running quite fast, the girl seemed to slip on the newly washed floor, falling forward before saving herself with one foot, much to the boys dismay. "Whoaa, It's okay! I'm good. Oops, I better watch myself more."

She giggled to herself as the two shook their heads. Yep, same old Amari.

Bakugo seemed to speak first though, annoyed at her carefree demeanor. "Just how much of an idiot can you be? Seriously, watch where you're going stupid."

Todoroki also seemed concerned, putting his arms away since he was planning on catching her. "Bakugo is right, you should be more careful."

The girl didn't seem bothered though, just replying back smoothly. "Right, sorry. I guess I'm just excited to hear how everything's going. With Endeavor training me so much I feel like I'm missing out on important things, you know?"

Bakugo did know, in fact he hadn't seen his sister in days. It didn't help that they weren't in the same class anymore. "Whatever, although it's nothing to break your neck over."

That's when the girl leaned forward in an excited fashion, eager to hear around their lives. "Sooo, how's it going?"

The two boys looked at each other then, Todoroki answering first but sugarcoating his response. He didn't want to mention their arguing as the girl loved her brother so much. "It's alright."

Although Katsuki didn't share the same intentions, just shouting back. "Oh shut up half and half, tell her the truth. These last few days have been hell! I swear, this bastard is trying to piss me off every chance he can get!"

Todoroki couldn't deny that fact, but didn't want her to know it. He couldn't help but find Amari's brother impossible at times. "Maybe it's because you keep making such rude remarks. I wouldn't respond if you didn't say them in the first place."

That's when Katsuki got furious, reaching forward to grab the boy's shirt. He really was trying to piss him off. What did Amari see in his guy anyways? "You wanna die?! Say that again to my face, you bastard!"

Although that's when they heard Amari laugh in the corner, causing the two to pull apart. "So it's going about as well as I imagined. Well, at least you two haven't killed each other yet. I should be grateful for that at least."

Todoroki decided to forget about the boy then, focusing on more important matters. "How has your training with my old man been going? He hasn't been harassing you, has he?"

Clutching her bag in her hands, Amari couldn't help but smile to herself. "As if I'd let him do that. To tell you the truth though, I think I've been the one harassing him."

He couldn't help but smile at that, knowing how she didn't take any of his crap. True fully Todoroki was against her training at first, knowing how his father was, but he couldn't deny how happy she looked because of it.

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