Promises for a Lifetime Part 2

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Promises for a Lifetime

Part 2/2

Amari: Age 21

"Oh, you have got to be shitting me...."

Staring up at the eight large Nomu with Shigaraki standing between them, Katsuki couldn't help but roll his eyes, thinking that he was already finished with this crusty faced freak years ago.

The villain could only laugh though, eyeing the crimsoned eyed boy before replying over the crowds. "You didn't think you could get rid of me so easily, did you? No, you have to pay for my Master, for ruining my Master's plans..!"

Rolling his eyes, Bakugo only lifted his hands in order for sparks to pop in warning as the boy looked over the people in order to find his sister quickly, knowing that she would probably be the biggest target of them all.

Although when he didn't find her, Katsuki felt his chest squeeze in worry before quickly moving up towards Todoroki as one of the Nomu started to barrel towards him in pure revenge. "Shit..."

Pushing himself into front of Todoroki, Katsuki then let off an explosion to blind the monster before quickly looking behind him as the two toned boy spoke plainly. "Bakugo, I could've handled that. Why did you...."

Yet Katsuki seemed to have other things on his mind, his eyes wild. "Shut up icy hot! Where's my sister, have you seen her? Cause she's not here..."

Screwing his mouth shut, Todoroki then quickly looked around the space before feeling the same internal panic that Amari's brother had experienced just moments before. "You're right Bakugo, she's not here...."

Katsuki couldn't help but scoff at his choice of words. "No shit! Where the hell could she be?! I swear I'm going to put a god damn bell around her one of these days..."

They paused when the Nomu next to them roared in fury before Todoroki stepped forward as a sheet of ice crept across the floor in order to freeze the monster in place. "Shigaraki is looking for her. We have to finish this before she comes back."

And although they hated it, both boys knew that Amari could handle whatever trouble she was in, and that she would eventually come back to them. In fact, if him and Bakugo were here then it was a guarantee that she was going to return.

The question was when though..

Nodding in response, Katsuki then surveyed the area before trying to come up with a plan in his mind. Yeah, he hated the idea of working with that damn bastard more then anything but if they didn't hurry then someone could die tonight.

Bakugo then glanced towards the eight Nomu before pointing towards the left side of the room. "I'll lead four of these bastards to the left while you take the other four to the right. If we split them up they'll be easier to take down.."

The other boy seemed interested in the plan before glancing towards the crazed laughing blue haired villain in the middle. "What about Shigaraki?"

Narrowing his eyes, the blonde boy huffed. "Whoever gets their side done first can take that crusty ass bastard down. And it's going to be me, so don't even try half and half..!"

Todoroki could sense the idea of competition in the back of his throat before nodding once, already turning his heels towards the right side of the large ballroom a moment later. "We'll see about that."

He paused quickly when he saw Keigo enter his visions, the two toned boy huffing back. "Hawks, can you distract Shigaraki? Bakugo and I are going to work on the Nomu."

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