S2 Chapter 8

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Amari walked into the sitting area of the arena quietly, halfway thankful that she hadn't missed Todoroki's match. She did promise she would be there for him after all.

Internally she hoped that he would be alright after that interaction with his father backstage. He seemed really shaken up by it and Amari was uneasy because of the altercation.

She could still feel his rigid body against hers, trembling slightly from the anger the boy kept for the man. It broke her heart to see him like that but Amari was also slightly thankful that he was trusting her a bit more. If he really was hurting then she wanted to know and be there for him, just like he was for her.

Catching his hair, Amari watched him enter the arena, the crowds cheering massively around him. He seemed like a fan favorite, but that also could've been because he was Endeavors son.

Deku entered next, looking rather uncertain and small next to the other boy, meeting Todoroki in the middle of the field. She watched silently as the two spoke words she couldn't hear.


Todoroki eyed Deku from across the field, recalling his father's words in the back of his head. It was time to prove is worth by winning and completely rejecting his father, especially without his left side. "So, you're here."

Deku himself seemed quite nervous, yet still determined, balling his hands into a hard fist. "Todoroki.."

They both got into place, Todoroki spreading his feet apart while Deku raised his arm, his thumb gracing over his pointer finger. It was about to get serious.

A thick air of silence echoed against them as Deku spoke, now even more clear and uncertain. "Todoroki, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Amari-chan."

This caused the boys eyes to widen. That supposed it made sense, the two were talking in the middle of a public hallway, although the fact that Deku now knew his greatest insecurity made him falter. Had he also seen him hug Amari? He kind of hoped not.

Narrowing his eyes, Todoroki spoke back. "Even if you did, it will change nothing. I will still win this match."

Present Mics voice rang especially loud, encouraging them to start as Deku let out at attack without hesitation. He knew he would have to get the jump on Todoroki if he wanted to win. "Smash!"

Although Todoroki was faster, letting an enormous sheet of ice fly across the arena, stopping the powerful wind from reaching him altogether.

As the wind cleared, he could see Midoryia's fingers, black and blue from the sudden burst of power. All he needed to do was last long enough for Deku to run out of fingers, and then he would win. "Just as I expected.."

Before he could let the boy think, Todoroki threw another sheet of ice towards the boy, only for Deku to smash the cold with his power, causing another broken finger.

Deku realized that he had only a limited number of attacks he could use before all of his fingers were broken so the boy tried his best to survey the area. It seemed like Todoroki was attacking instantly, not allowing him to think. Deku knew he'd have to work around that.

Letting off another blast of power, Todoroki saw this as his chance, using his ice to propel him up to his challenger with ease. He then threw another ice spike which caught onto Deku's leg.

Deku hissed at the contact, using his quirk to shatter the ice and blow Todoroki away from the close proximity, slamming him into a wall of icicles before sliding down to the ground.

Moving the ice away, Todoroki could see Deku struggling, knowing that this battle would be over soon. "What, you're that beat up from just defending and running away?"

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