S3 Chapter 11

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Amari stared out the hospital window with hollowed eyes, hearing the vague noise of the television behind her. The notorious villain, All for One has been successfully captured, although heros are still on the lookout for his accomplishes from the attack. We also have visual from the heartbreaking fight with a shocking revelation from the symbol of peace, All Might.

Glancing back, she saw All Might on the television, using all of his power and turning into a skinny, shriveling man in front of the entire world. It certainly was surprising to say the least, realizing that the symbol of peace was really so weak in actuality. It was the talk of the hospital now, Amari hearing various doctors and nurses speak about it.

She breathed in the familiar and sickening smell of antiseptic and felt herself grow a bit nauseous. Amari always hated that smell, the smell of her childhood. Those terrible memories and flashes of Kastuski's cruel words filling her ears once again.

You really think I could be related to someone that weak? I can't wait until you fail so I can show you just how pathetic and useless you've always been. You'll never be a hero.

She needed to get out of here quickly, or else she would truly grow insane.

Looking down at her hands that were attached to various wires and needles, Amari recalled the dried blood that once covered the surface. Todoroki's blood, Katsuki's blood, Shinso's blood, even though her body was physically clean, she still felt dirty.

Amari squeezed her eyes shut, willing the terrible sensation away. Everything still felt like a terrible, horrendous nightmare. No, she was a hero, she wasn't a villain.

Just then, the door next to her opened slightly, Amari thinking it was another doctor or nurse checking on her like usual. That was until he heard his voice. "How are you feeling, young Bakugo?"

Widened her eyes slightly, she turned to find the very symbol of peace in front of her. He looked the same as he was on TV, with a skinny bonelike structure and hollowed out eyes. So this is what All Might usually looked like?

Usually she would've been freaking out about this kind of thing, admiring All Might since she and her brother were kids. Although after everything that happened, it seemed wrong to celebrate.

Sitting up in her bed, Amari groaned at the bullet wound in her shoulder before answering. "I'm getting there. Being shot isn't really that fun. I'll have to make a note of that for later."

Her words couldn't help but make the man laugh, happy to see her in high spirits. "From experience I would have to agree. I'm just glad to see you safe and sound now. Your brother and family were very worried about you."

Thinking back to her brother, Amari's smile lessened then, recalling the blood on his clothes. "Is Katsuki, okay?"

All Might just nodded back before answering. "He's alright. Recovery Girl fixed him right up. He should be able to return to class tomorrow."

Amari let out a sigh of relief then, now wondering something else. "Thank you. So, did they say when I could leave? I'm pretty sure my moms probably still freaking out about everything and since I can't have visitors I bet it's not helping..."

She laughed at her own joke but slowly stopped when All Might didn't share the same expression. He seemed, almost sad. "I have to talk to you about that, young Bakugo.."

The girl nodded her head in confusion before listening to All Might's next words and feeling her heart drop in her chest entirely, and all at once.

That's when her world came crashing down around her in one single, solitary moment.


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