Chapter 8- Sophie's POV

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That morning, Sophie awoke and got dressed. She went down to have breakfast, and there at the table sat Grady.

"You're home!" she cried as she strangled him with a hug.

"Hey kiddo," he said, hugging her back.

Sophie decided not to visit Keefe that day, to give him some space. She knew he hated his father, and it was hard to stay at home, but she reminded herself that he at least had Ro.

That day, she dedicated a large amount of time helping her adoptive parents with some of the animals. By the end of the 3 hours, she was covered in dinosaur drool, and bite marks on her tunic from the verminon. (Is that how you spell it? Heh😅)

Foxfire was still on a hiatus due to the Neverseen attacks, so most of her days were spent helping Grady and Edaline, or recording her memories. Along with visiting Keefe, of course.

She had also had a couple of Regent assignments with Team Valiant, but today she didn't. She picked up her imparter and called Dex.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi! How are you?" he asked.

"Meh. What about you,"

"I could say the same myself. It's really boring over here. The triplets are away staying at an uncles house. I think it's mainly because my parents don't want them around."

Sophie laughed at that and the two talked for a while. It was nice.

"Do you want to come over and dye Iggy?" she asked him.

"Uh yeah! Hang on, lemme grab my stuff. I'll be right over!"

She walked down the stairs to the front door. Dex arrived within the next few minutes. He had a huge satchel filled with bottles and vials.

"I didn't know where the dye colors were, so I had to bring my whole bag," Dex told her.

As they were walking upstairs, Dex asked her what color she wanted to dye him.

"Hmm what color has he not been? Maybe we should do red?" she asked him.

"Yeah, of course," Dex said.

They reached her room, and she took Iggy out. Dex started to pull out the bottles. He ended up taking two out and began the process. Finally Iggy's fur started turning red, Dex ran to the lights and flashed them off.

"Get this- he glows in the dark too!" he said with a laugh.

"That. Is. Awesome," she responded.

Iggy's fur began to glow. Not all of his fur light up though, it was more like glow in the dark glitter.

"I love it," Sophie laughed.

"I'm glad."

The two talked for a while longer about the randomest things. It was great to talk to him so comfortably after their... awkward history. Dex has gotten over Sophie by then, but it used to not be that easy.

He stayed for dinner, and for dessert. The dessert was of course, mallomelt. He stuffed half a piece in his mouth, which got Sophie, Edaline and evening Grady laughing.

After a while, Dex had to leave. The triplets had come back home and he had to watch him while they went out. He claimed that they were probably just trying to get away from them. Dex's triplets siblings could be crazy, so Sophie understood.

Edaline gave him a piece of mallomelt "for the road" and bid him goodbye.

"Bye," Sophie said.

"Bye," he responded.

Sophie went back up to her room. After she had been working she had taken a shower, so this time she went up there and grabbed her old human photo book.

She flipped though the pages, looking at pictures of her old human family. Her sister, Amy still remembered who Sophie was, but that had to be kept secret. She sighed, welling up on the memories.

She looked out one of the windows. The sun wasn't even setting yet. The sunsets at Havenfield we're always gorgeous, and she hoped that night would be the same.

As she was dredging up on the memories, her gnome bodyguard, Flori walked in.

"Hello," the little gnome said. Sophie jumped and apologized.

"No need to," Flori said with a chuckle, " I can be quite surprising."

The gnome looked at the book,"is that your human family?"

"Yeah," Sophie said.

"Oh. I'm sorry that you had to leave them. I know it's hard, but you're so brave," she said.

Sophie just sighed, but she was grateful for the gnome. Flori left the room, leaving Sophie all alone.

She started to watch the sun go down, until she got a transmission that no one would want to hear.

Help. Me.

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