Chapter 6- Sophie's POV

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Who could that be? Sophie wondered. She grabbed her imparter off of her nightstand, just to see Keefe. Sandor pokes his head in the door, but she told him it was an accidental call. He thankfully bought the lie. She declined, deciding transmitting was much easier.


Jeez- way to scare me, Foster.

Are you okay? Why are you calling me at 1 AM

I can feel your worry from here- and no I'm fine. I just...

You what Keefe?

Had a dumb nightmare about my mother and now I can't sleep. Hey maybe we can make this a habit, you can transmit to be everyday! Just like old times

Yeah old times where you were working against us all.

Keefe went silent at the response.

Sorry Sophie transmitted.

It's all cool. I'm going back home tomorrow.

Really? That soon?

Yeah, Elwin must hate me.

Nah I don't think he does. If anything, he should hate me for all of the times I've nearly died.

Sophie could feel his mind almost laughing. It was good to hear him happy. The two talked for a while, before Keefe fell asleep again.

Sophie laid in her bed for a while, trying to fall back asleep. She did after almost an hour, and she had a peaceful night of sleep.

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