Hermione's last attack

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As they walked towards Dumbledore office, they were stopped by professor Snape. "Weasley, it's time for you to serve your detention" Ron looked at Hermione with a worried expression. "I can't professor, I have to um, I really have to help Neville with his laundry" he said. Hermione knew this wasn't going to work. That was the dumbest excuse shed ever heard. "Weasley. You tried to assault a classmate today. I will not stand for it." Snape said grabbing Ron's shoulder and trailing him away from hermione's hand, she looked at him, and she nodded. She wouldn't let anyone hurt her. She was strong. She was Hermione granger for goodness sakes! With this pep talk playing repeat in her mind, she marched confidently through the halls to lunch. She entered the great hall and sat by Ginny and Harry. "hello Hermione, how are you" Ginny said, Hermione felt happy that Ginny didn't know what happened and she was still an Innocent. "I'm fine. How are you Ginny?" She asked "good! I've made the quidditch team thanks to Harry recommending me" she said elbowing Harry's side. Hermione enjoyed lunch with her friends and felt very happy. She had friends still, and she had kissed one earlier. After lunch was over she sat in the dungeon next to the potions room. Rons detention would be over in ten minutes. She pulled out a book and began to read. However she couldn't focus, she felt something she didn't like, she felt someone watching her, she felt exposed. She stood up to walk closer to the potions room when a cold hand covered her mouth and grabbed her hair. Draco Malfoy pulled her along while she whimpered and screamed under his hand, he pushed her into an empty classroom. "This is what I wanted to do last night, mudblood" he said gravelly into her ear, he grabbed her by the face and kissed her, she didn't think kissing could be painful, but it truly was. He dug his tongue into her mouth so she choked. She wasn't going to let him win this easily, though. She lifted up a hand, made it look like she was going to hold his head, instead punched his face off of hers and shenscreamed. He covered her mouth again and pushed her onto a table "you'll pay for that Mudblood, the less you struggle this less pain you'll get" he said beginning to kiss her again. This time, he pressed his body onto hers, he lifted her hands above her head as she squirmed, whimpered and tried to scream. She saw her wand which had fallen into the floor and realized she couldn't do anything about what was happening. He ripped off her shirt and began doing horrible things when the door slammed open and within seconds, he was torn off of her and pushed to the ground. He was getting beaten, "YOU BASTARD" she heard punches, "YOU SLIMEY GIT" she heard a crack, "YOU ABSOLUTE PRAT' she heard Malfoy whining, "YOU SCUMBAG!!" she heard slaps "YEAH THATS RIGHT, RUN TO YOUR PRECIOUS PROFESSOR SNAPE, SEE IF I CARE!". She just layed there catching her breath, although his actions were worse this time, she felt better then last night, because she truly gave all she had to fight him out of it this time. Ron lifted her off the table, quickly gave her his robes to cover her chest "Ron, I fought back" I'm proud of you Hermione, but if he's going to be doing this so often, we cant keep saying we can deal with it. We're going to Dumbledore. Hermione was again, in shock. Her legs wouldn't stop shaking, so Ron eventually picked her up and she rested on his back. They walked into dumbledores office. He looked up from a book and smiled. "Having fun up there, Ms granger?" He said, obviously knowing something was wrong. "We've got something to say headmaster, something about Draco Malfoy". It was a long conversation, but Dumbledore was definitely on their side. "There is truly nothing we can do to tame a teenage boys raging hormones, so unfortunately he will have to be expelled. Thank you for telling me this, you have most likely saved other girls." Hermione smiled at this.
They left Dumbledores office worry free. They went to the common room, sat on the couch, talked with harry, and went to bed, peacefully.

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