The first Time

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Hermione was busy studying away in the library. She was studying for the charms exam that was in a few weeks. She was helping Ron with his work, well she was supposed to be helping Ron, but he had curled up on a soft chair and fell asleep. Hermione looked at him and smiled. She didn't wake him cause he looked adorable. His messy red hair over his forehead, his hand was under his freckled cheek with his mouth slightly open as he softly snored. He looked so peaceful like this. Hermione shook herself out of her weird Ron trance, and began wandering the aisles looking for more books to study. A nasily voice startled her as she dropped her books and flipped around to see Draco Malfoy, standing with his wand out. He clicked his tongue
"Oh Mudblood, you should know better than to study alone" he said eyeing her up and down
She was more offended than frightened.
"I can protect myself you ferret"
She realized she shouldn't have said that because he was now quickly pacing towards her, she patted her robes to find that she left her wand at the table next to Ron. He smirked as she backed into a wall, her heart beating fast, her mind racing on what to do. He started to play with her hair, she tried to elbow him but his cold hands quickly found her wrists and held them above her head, he pressed his body against hers. She was so shocked, this couldn't be happening! Draco, he was always a bully, but she never thought he would do something like this! He began to lean in to kiss her when she let out a blood curdling scream and he quickly slapped his hand over her mouth as tears began dripping out of her eyes. All she could hear was Draco, who continued to tell her how "seriously attractive she had grown" and "I'm bored of the bad girls" when she found releif in the sound of running. She looked and saw Ron, pure fury on his face as he bolted at Malfoy, who cursed under his breath. Hermione understood what Malfoy was feeling. Ron was much taller and definitely stronger than the little pale Whimp, Malfoy. Ron grabbed Malfoy from his shoulders and tore him off of Hermione who collapsed onto the floor massaging her bruised arms as she watched Ron shove Malfoy to the floor and began to punch every inch of Malfoy who was laughing much to Ron's fury.
"YOU GIT" Ron shouted between pucnhes. "DONT EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN" Malfoy was still laughing when he said "can't make any promises there, Weasley! You're little Mudblood friend has grown up a bit, wouldn't you agree?" Ron lifted Malfoy up by the collar, pushed him into a wall and growled "if you ever touch her again, I'll make sure every day is a living hell for you, you disgusting prat" with that, he shoved his knee right where the sun doesn't shine and threw him to the ground. Malfoy stood up whimpering while holding between his legs and limped out if the library. A sob broke the silence as Ron looked and saw Hermione, was holding her face in her hands. Ron hated to see her cry. Her soft hazel eyes were flooded with tears as Ron put his arm around her. he was lost in thought about what could've happened if he wasn't there, he knew Hermione was extremely smart with her wand, but she couldn't take down a teenage boy without it. Hermione buried her face into Ron's hair, which unsurprisingly smelled of ginger. Her breathing slowed and her tears stopped falling. She looked up at Ron, and shakily spoke:
"Than-k-k you-u" she said, bursting into sobs again. Ron clutched her tighter, he never realized it, but he couldn't stand the thought of Hermione in pain in any way, he couldn't stand the thought of her not being with him, he couldn't stand not knowing her. He wasn't sure what that feeling was called. Harry walked into the library with his wand out "what's going on? I heard yelling and I saw Malfoy" harry stopped talking and he saw Hermione, who had bruises on her wrists and her eyes were wet. "No no no, did he hurt you, Hermione?" Harry said walking closer to them. "He just sexually assaulted her, mate" Ron said, his voice cracking with both anger and fear. As he said this, he gripped hermione's hand while harry stood there with his mouth in a tight line "that absolute piece of-!" Harry began to yell when Hermione stood up and straightened herself out. "Can we please just pretend this never happened? I can't believe I couldn't protect myself, I'd be embarrassed for anyone to know" she said in a very Hermione tone "Hermione, no. We've got to report this! We aren't going to let Malfoy keep doing this!" Ron said standing up Hermione turned around to face him, she could see he was serious and she knew it was right, but she felt so.. gross. She felt like she wanted to get into a bubbly bath and never leave. She wanted to throw up. She couldn't breathe. She wanted to leave Hogwarts, live a muggle life, and never leave her home. She didn't want to get married, she didn't want children. No one deserves to be treated that way, why did it feel like it was her fault? She didn't do anything wrong? She looked down at herself, she was thin, but she had grown in certain places that men like, her legs had tanned over the summer. She felt sick. This was her fault. "Hermione!" She heard Ron yell, everything went dark.

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