The escape

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She ran like mad into the corridor, desperate to get away. She would run into the forbidden forest if that meant she could get away from Malfoy, when a pair of warm hands pulled her. She screamed, "Hermione! It's Ron! What the bloody hell are you doing? How was class? Are you okay?" Ron said "oh Ron" Hermione whimpered as she rested her forehead on his chest, letting her tears fall to the floor. "Hermione, what's happened?" He said concerned "can I tell you in the common room? Please?" She said Ron put his arm around her and they walked to Gryffindor tower. It was completely empty, as classes were going on right now, much to hermione's dread. They sat on the couch facing each other. "Okay what happened" Ron said, his blue eyes meeting her hazel ones. "He, he.." Hermione tried to speak, but she couldn't because of the lump in her throat. Instead, she lifted up the rim of her shirt, and revealed where Draco dug his hand into her waist, which was bleeding. Ron touched it, a look of pain on his face. When his hand touched her skin, she felt the burning sensation again. "Ron, Malfoy told me that "it's only going to get better"" she said, tucking her shirt back in. Ron looked scared, Ron never looked truly afraid and thats what scared her the most. "Hermione" he said taking her hand "let's visit Hagrid".
They walked down to the hut, with every few steps Ron would look behind them. They stood on the familiar porch of Hagrids hut with the smell of his pumpkin patch filling there noses. Ron knocked, Hagrid answered. Hermione immediately sighed. Hagrid was a very comforting person, his sparkling eyes and his contagious laugh, and of course he wasn't book smart, but he was wise when it came to life. "What in Merlin's heard, Hermione! Why the tears?" Hagrid said as Hermione began sobbing at the sight of him. "She's having a rough day" Ron said. "Oh, that time of the month? You better come inside" Hagrid assumed "oh, um actually I don't think so, maybe actually, I don't know" Ron said awkwardly, scratching his head. Hermione sat next to fang on a large chair. Ron told Hagrid everything going on while Hermione tried to make excuses "well that's why I shouldn't study alone" or "maybe I shouldn't do my makeup anymore" "he's a stupid slimey git, and we don't know what to do about it!" Ron began ranting "he keeps trying to hurt Hermione and I just don't understand it, yeah she's beautiful, yeah she's smart, but you've been calling her Mudblood since our second year! Plus, why is he doing this whole "she's so attractive" thing either know she's always been this pretty? Didn't his stupid mom ever tell him he's supposed to respect girls? Ya know like don't hit them? Or don't dig your nails into their waist or press them forcefully into a wall against their will? What the bloody hell are we supposed to do with this, this absolute douchebag? What do we do Hagrid?" Ron took a deep breath, Hagrid stood agape. Hermione was struck again with the warm tingling feeling and she realized what the lump in her throat was wanting to say, or in this case, do. Hermione ran into Ron's arms and kissed him right on the lips. Hagrid covered his eyes. Hermione was crying, so this wasn't exactly how she thought kissing looked, but she meant it and that was enough. He held her tighter, but then she realized she couldn't breathe so they parted as she took a deep breath. They both giggled uncontrollably as Hagrid uncovered his eyes. "Right, er, yet gonna wanna talk to Dumbledore for sure, if he's not available, find professor McGonagall. Ye got ter tell somebody, ya know" they both nodded in response and after a cup of tea, they left. This time, hand in hand.

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