Temporary Stay

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Tony lost everything: his house, his money, Pepper, his team, his friends, he lost it all. The 'avengers' now known as the Rogers, took all of his belongings, the tower was instantly theirs. Why? Well because no matter what after what was known as the Civil War ended, Captain egghead managed to look like he was right about the agreements. He convinced Fury that the accordance was a bad idea. He had said that it was illegal too because it took away their freedoms and blah, blah, blah no one cares. The Tower was for the avengers so when they kicked Tony off of the team they got the tower. Then Tony accidentally signed off his father's business to someone he thought he could trust. The keyword here is 'though' this person not only took advantage of him but also took all his lives saving don't ask how it happened, it was so fast and he doesn't want to remember anyway. 

So with nothing, he was forced to get a new job, and yes he could work for another well-paying invention making business, but he plans to get back what belongs to him. So to be seen within competition would just ruin him more. He wanted to his face where no one could see him and that's exactly what he did. The ex-billion moved to Queens still in New York but in a poorer area. 

He rented a one-room apartment. It was small, smelly, gloomy, and just plain sad. The place was falling apart and the walls were so thin they were practically paper. The atmosphere that surrounded this apartment was depressing, and to top it all off every word that was used by his neighbors he was able to hear. The place stank, his new job stank, his life stank, everything stank. He worked in an electricity company, working in an office crunching numbers however, because he was so fast he got a lot of work. The sad part of this is that they didn't even pay that well. 

A month passed by and as the man settled into his... living space? He went to his mini-fridge and grabbed a beer. He wasn't an alcoholic like before but he did drink on occasions like when he had a stressful day at work. He sat on his couch turning on his tv when he heard a knock at the door. He wasn't sure if it was his door or his neighbor's door but just to be safe he shouted out "I'll be there in a second." The guy stood up and went to the door still in his 'work uniform', so a black suit and tie with shiny black dress shoes to match, when he opened the door no one was there.

He looked towards the end of the hall and the start of it, but there was no one. Not to mention the fact that he was sleep-deprived so his vision was a bit foggy still he assumed it was a kid who was pranking him. Then he heard something, as soon as he was going to close the door he heard crying.

The sound was coming from below him, when he looked down he saw it. 


Who the FUDGE left a baby in front of his doorstep and why? The kid was literally in a basket. Was Tony on a live prank show or something. The waking screams of the baby just seemed to get worse.

The poor infant just cried as he was longing for the embrace of his mother. The baby had no knowledge of where he was and his surroundings seem different. Tony contemplated the thought of just closing the door and acting as if nothing happened but... he used to be a hero he couldn't just leave the kid out there! So he did the right thing and put the basket inside. He set it on the couch when he heard banging from his neighbors side. They seemed mad at all the noise the kid made. A muscler irritated man shouted,"SHUT THAT BABY UP BEFORE I SHUT HIM UP FOR YOU!!"

Tony obviously didn't know what to do; he's never had a kid. The kid just continued to scream so the older man just picked him up and rocked him. He had seen TV moms do this so it should work right? Well actually it did. The kid was attached to the light from his arc reactor. The blue light somehow made him feel safe. Although he knew he wasn't in his mom's arms being in this person's arms calmed the baby. The poor thing was scared of his new surroundings and the only way he could express it was through crying. When he saw the blue light coming from a shadowy figure, it terrified him, but when he was picked up and held in the new arms the light just intrigued the little thing. He put his small chubby hand in the arc reactor and Tony jumped a bit.  

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