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This is inspired by my "adopted son" who is 4 years old, his my cousin, and I adore him even if he is somewhat attached like a very cute leach
Ok let's get on with it.

3rd person pov

     Peter was only 4 years old, so he had the right to throw tantrums, but lately it was getting out of hand. Why, just the other day he was crying and yelling, because his dad gave him the wrong cookies. However, today his dad was a bit busy so when he made a whole scene, he wasn't getting off so easily. What did he do you ask well let just say it wasn't good.

     Tony was current occupied with a stack of paper work Pepper had given him. While, Pepper was on a very important phone call with some soul suckers- I mean business men. They were so busy that they couldn't look after there kid Peter. This irratated the young man, so he tried to get their attention. First, he walked up to his papa and ever so innocently said,"Papa I want to play." To which his dad tiredly replied,"Peter baby I'm busy right now how about later ok." Peter huffed and crossed his arms, but it's not like his dad noticed the kids discontentment, he was to focused on his paper work if you ask Peter. Now for plan b, Peter went to his mommy and with hope in his pure and sweet voice he said,"Mommy... can we play please."

      She covered her phones speaker and whispers,"Peter sweetie, mommy's a bit busy right now can you go play by yourself for a bit." Strike 1 Peter was very disappointed in his parent he gave them a chance to pay attention to him, but they chose wrong. So he turned his heels back to his dad's office.  As he walked to his dad's office he had an idea he thought; well maybe if he asked for something they'll HAVE to pay attention to me. So he thought of an ever so clever question,What is one thing he can't do by himself that requires the assistance of an adult? Then it hit him...milk... pouring a glass of milk. Not the brightest of planse but hay he is only 4 years old. His tiny little hands can't even grave the gallon of malk. As he entered his dad's office he sat on a chair in front of him, so he could be seen and said,"Papa I want milk." The man didn't even look up he just dismissed him with,"Later Peter give me a second." Strick 2

     The kid tried again this time he sounded a bit more irratated and whiny,"Papa I want milk." Only to be shewed off like some bug or like a fly of some sort... Whatever you get the point. Strike 3 your out Anthony Edward Stark. To make it very clear Peter is not to blame for what happened next nononononono no, he gave his dad his chances. His the one who screwed up. His the one who didn't listent to his warnings it was his fault not Peter's. So Peter did the most rational thing to do in a situation like this.....he threw a tantrum.

First, he got watery eyed, then his breathing became more rapid. Next his face went red like a very cute tomato. He then stood up off his chair, proceeding to throw himself on the floor. Observe as the wild Peter screams and shouts craving for attention in his natural habitat,"I waaant miiiiilk!!! I WAAANT MILK I WANT MILK I WANT MILK!!! PAAAAPAAA I WANT MILK! AAAAAAAAAAAH PAaaaAPAaaa MILK!"

     His wails were so high pitched it left a ringing in Tony's ears. The older man tried to ignore him really, but it was so annoying he just couldn't. He was so tired from all the work he was doing and Peter waking up early, he had turned into a ticking time bomb. So when Peter kicked his desk and dropped all his papers, he couldn't help but snap.
     Now HE was mad and with a loud angry tone he yelled,"PETER BENJIMEN STARK STOP RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR I AM GOING TO HIT YOU." Peter however, didn't listen, and continued to scream. So Tony dragged a screaming Peter by the arm out of his office and into the kitchen. He then forcefully pulled him up to his feet and griped both his sons shoulders,"Peter! I am not taking, this any more I am sick an tired of all your tantrums!!! You are going to sit here and after I'm done giving you your milk you are not, I repeat not going to bother me or I will give you a reason to cry!"

    Poor, small, and innocent Peter nodded his head slowly and silently got on his chair. His dad went to the fridge and graved the milk. He pours his son a glass and heated it a bit. Once he had given it to the kid Tony walked away, but what he didn't know was that Pepper saw everything. She felt bad because Peter just wanted their attention, seeing as they were busy all day, so busy they infact they didn't even have breakfast with him he ATE ALONE.

(Play the song at the top)

So she went up to him and gently said,"Want chocletmilk instead." Peter's eyes were big, watery, and a bit red while his mouth was pouty. He nodded and his mom took the glass of warm milk just to add some nice and sweet powdered chocolate. When she gave him back the drink she wanted to laugh at the sight of her son. He looked like he was at a bar to releave his pain with a drink or two. He had the chocolate milk in one hand with his other hand laying on the table. He took a drink out of the cup, then wiped his mouth sluggishly with his other hands sleeve. He put his head down only to lift it back up, and chug some more warm chocletmilk. The kid drank it like it was the most bitter, but satisfying thing to releave his pained heart. When he drank all of it he slammed the cup on the table. Pepper was barely containing her laughter, and was imagining her son shouting Bar tender another. Peter just sat there and put his head down on the table to cry while he still held on to this cup. Pepper felt bad and took her son in her arms. 

(You can stop playing the music if you want now┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌.)

     "It ok now sweetie don't cry. Want me to go get daddy?" She asked kindly while rubbing his back. He nodded a no and continued to sob on his mom's shoulder.

     Tony came out of his office, finally, and went to the kitchen. He felt sorry for yelling at his little minion, even if he was being a big brat. But he did understand that it was also his fault for ignoring him all day.  So when he saw him crying silently it broke his heart, Pepper mouthed to him, Tony come hug him. So he went up to them scoped up his kid only for the little menace to go boneless. With big eyes that looked scared, and a hug frown, and his big glased eyes looking up, avoiding any contact with his dad's eyes. Tony just held him tighter and cooed sweetly twords him,"I'm sorry Peter I'm so sorry Pete, I was just busy and stressed but you need to learn that thing can't always go your way Bambi." Peter nodded and snuggled closer to his dad. The little man muttered a tired,"But things always go your way." Tony sighed laughing a bit at the statment,"Not always, and that's ok because it just means it a mistake I can learn from and hope to do better next time." Peter yond, he was emotionally exhausted not to mention, just had some warm chocolate milk.

     Peter closed his eyes and Tony held him tighter,"You sleepy bud? Want to take a nap?" Peter nodded a sleepy yes, so Tony took him to the living room and put Fantasia on the TV. Peter closed his eyes drifting off into sleep on his papas chest. That was his favorite place to sleep you know, he loves the light his dad's arc reactor gives out it makes him feel safe.

Eventually, both Peter and Tony feel asleep on the couch, and with a look of peace on there faces they held on to each other. Peter may cause some trouble at times, but his parents love him like no other will or would.

First oneshot it sucks but who cares!୧(^ 〰 ^)୨/╲/\╭(•‿•)╮/\╱\ ^_^>.<(~ ̄³ ̄)~

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