Part 6

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Someone please give me your thoughts on my story so far. I want to know what you all think and what your favorite part is. Also I don't want to trouble you guys but you should know that it encourages me to keep writing and to continue the story when I hear kind words and get comments saying things you like or would like to see more of. Or even something as sweet and simple as "Great story so far." Seeing those comments make my day because sometimes I consider stoping and discontinuing the story because no one likes it. So thank you to everyone who has been supporting me. <3

I was still shocked at what I just saw. Wyatt had stood up for me to my own boyfriend. Wyatt still looked mad as he walked over to me and suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me close then hugged me. Everyone was staring. I wasn't surprised though. I just got hit and Wyatt just yelled at Zed and made him feel bad. Wyatt wrapped one arm around me and gently put his other hand on the back of my head and held me against him, protectively. I glanced at the clock. We had 15 minutes of lunch left and I hadn't eaten. Wyatt let go and looked at my cheek and the red handprint. He looked even more mad when he saw that there is probably gonna be a bruise for a few days. I could tell he was trying his best to stay calm though. He pointed at the chair closest to us and I sat down, knowing that was what he wanted me to do.
"Please go get her an ice pack from the nurses office." He said to Willa then she nodded and left. Wyatt turned to me again. "I'm so sorry. That was probably really scary. We all saw the way he grabbed you and how hard he hit you." I shrugged slightly as I got up, knowing I need to start walking to class so I'm not late. Wyatt took my hand and pulled me close again then gently pressed his sweet, warm lips against my cheek. He kissed where I had been slapped but it didn't hurt. It made me feel better if anything. Willa came back and handed me the ice pack.
"Thank you." I smiles slightly, feeling much better since Wyatt had comforted me.
"Of course." She smiled back. Wyatt still looked slightly concerned.
"I don't trust Zed to be alone with you. He might hurt you again. After school I'll be waiting for you near the flag pole so we can walk home together."
"Alright. Sounds good." He smiled and we all went our separate ways to our classes.
After class got out I walked down the hall to my locker and started putting my books away and putting a few important papers in my folders. I was still holding the ice pack to my cheek that now looked less irritated and more like a bruise in the shape of my own boyfriend's hand. Suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind. As soon as I saw it was Zed I stiffened and tried to pull away from him but it was no use. Zed was much stronger and taller than me.
"I'm SO sorry about earlier Addison. I don't know what happened to me. I just felt so angry and-" I cut him off.
"No you're not. Your just scared I'll listen to Wyatt and leave you for someone who would never have done that to me." Zed's expression changed and he looked a bit more serious and less sad.
"Of course I don't want you to leave me but I also really am sorry!" I wasn't convinced.
"Mhmm." I said sarcastically. Zed was not happy about my tone. I watched the anger grow in his eyes right before he put his hands on my shoulders and slammed me against the locker really hard. Then he removed one hand from my shoulder and wrapped it around me throat. My eyes widened.
"Get your hands off of me!" I yelled right before he started to choke me. He squeezed my neck and I was no longer able to breath. The world looked like it was spinning around me and my eyes started to close as I noticed the room now felt really hot. My eyes closed right as Zed let go and I fell to the ground, weak and barely alive. The next thing I know I opened my eyes to see Zed standing there looking at something with his fist balled up. I sat up and he turned to look at me. He had blood running down his cheek and neck. There was a large cut on his cheek that looked like claw marks. That was when I saw Willa standing across from him. Her eyes were glowing yellow and her moonstone was shining a bright light that seemed to be blinding but maybe it was just because I woke up that it seemed so bright. Zed slowly walked over to me and picked me up then held me against his chest. Willa got ready to lunge at Zed and hit him, but right before she was about to he spoke.
"Take one stop closet and I'll kill her." He grabbed my neck again and I teared up. Willa is strong. She is a leader. I wished I was more like her sometimes and so I tried my best not to cry since I didn't want her to think of me as weak. I wanted to scream and get the attention of someone who could help me but when I tried to nothing happened. I was frozen in terror. This was by far the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I've never been scared of Zed before since I used to love him so much. Now I didn't. I couldn't. I know this isn't the real him but I just couldn't love him anymore.
"W-We're through." I said. I was trembling a bit. Zed laughed slightly.
"Oh, Addison. It's cute that you think you have a choice if you love me or not." He lifted me up a bit and was still holding me. He moved his mouth close to my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispered the last three words of his sentence. "We're done when I say we're done and currently you are mine."

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