9. Book Number 2 and Afternoon Tea

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Ficmas Day 5

Chapter 9: Book Number 2 and Afternoon Tea

Thursday 4th Decemeber

“That’s it. No! It goes there, Joe!” I directed him as he opened and placed down my playmobile advent calendar pieces.

“God, Joe. Get it right!” Maddy teased.

Maddy was one of my friends that worked over at Gleam, my management company. Since she had been around a lot we had grown close.

I picked up my vlogging camera and spoke “Today is a very exciting day, firstly because…um…apparently, amazingly” I struggled for words “my book is the fastest selling debut novel since records began!”

I pointed the camera at Joe “Now, I don’t know when records began…” Joe pulled a funny face and I laughed. “But that is insane!

“1980’s!” Joe bellowed.

I honestly couldn’t believe that it was true, I was sitting with Alfie and Joe when I saw the article online and shook my head and thought it’s just the media’s lies again…but it was all over the newspapers which means it is true…I can’t believe me sitting in front of a camera when I was 19 got me to this.

“I haven’t even started it yet.” Joe chuckled sheepishly into the camera.

“Joe!” Alfie scolded.

“Alfie! You can’t have a go at Joe when you’ve only read one chapter!”  I rolled my eyes playfully.

“Anyway” I directed my attention back to the camera “Today I have a meeting for book 2 which is pretty exciting! So we’re just about to get in a taxi and go down there now!” I stopped recording on my camera.

“Ready, Maddy?” I asked as I picked up my handbag with all my necessities in.

“All ready.” She confirmed.

I said goodbye to Alfie, Joe, Nala and the Guinea pigs and we were off.

The red familiar recording button my camera flashed again, signalling that I was recording.

“Hi guys! I’m now at the Grande having the meeting” I spun the camera round to show the table “and we have afternoon tea!” I informed the camera, excitedly.

I got up from my spot and went to film the view “I miss the view of the sea.” I sighed, almost nostalgically.

I pointed out the landmarks of Brighton in the frame such as the West pier and the normal pier.

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