Chapter 7

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_Chapter 7_

Elliot Warren

"Why are you so quiet these days?" Ricky wondered and opened the fridge to get out a bottle of juice.

"Why are you so annoying all the time?" I mocked him. I was again forced to spend the afternoon and evening at his place because his mother and my Mom kicked me out. They even took Liana with them, saying that they're going to have a ladies night.

"Freak," he hissed under his breath. "I definitely didn't plan on spending my precious Friday night with you."

"Look at that, we share the same opinion for once." Instead of commenting anything stupid as he would always do, he just started staring at me. "What?"

He just continued to look at me. "What? Why're you staring at me?" I put my pen down to pay him some attention since he seemed like he really wanted it. Besides, I couldn't concentrate on my work like that anyways.

"I was just wondering," he started. "I've never been to one of your therapy sessions," he pointed out.

"What's there to it?" I shrugged and bit my lips when I felt a little uneasy at his question.

"Nothing, I'm just curious. You seem to hate it there. What'd you call him again? Ah right was it disgusting pervert," he smirked. "He's probably some old fart with a huge belly and a smelly breath." I clenched my fist and tried not to burst out in anger. Harder than it was said, though.

"Mind your business," I snapped and moved to the living room to get some distance between us. But he kept on following me and digging into that topic that I highly wanted to avoid. "Ricky, just drop it."

He sighed finally giving up and went to sit on the couch. "Derek and Christo are coming in a few minutes, just so you know."

"Shouldn't you use the time for studying?" I smirked. Now it's my turn to rummage in topics he didn't like. "Nothing's gonna change by sitting around and wasting time."

"Shut up, it has nothing to do with you," he grabbed his phone to avoid any eye contact.

"Well actually if you end up failing, you could be send away, in other words I'd get a new assistant. So, it does have an affect on me," I shrugged. But I wasn't too sure of my words myself which is why I got more quiet at the end.

He frowned before he put his phone away. "Wait, isn't that a good thing for you? I thought you hated me."

I bit my lips and turned away, not wanting him to see the embarrassing expression I was making. "I never said I hated you." A moment of silence followed after my words dropped. "I mean, I may not completely like you, you are really annoying so much it gets tiring, but I don't hate you," I confessed.

"Too bad. Looks like you will eventually get rid of me," he said in a defeated tone.

I let out a long breath before turning back to face him and joining him on the couch. "Obviously, I'm not letting that happen."

"Oh really, what do you want to do? I'm hopeless, do you have an idea how much I tried fixing it? Not everything just clicks because you happen to put a little effort into it," he snapped.

"You think I don't know that already? I'm the last person you have to tell that to," I snapped back at him before managing to calm myself down. "Look. I'll help you with your grades. It's just math and biology, right? It'd be fine."

He lowered his gaze and fumbled with his hands. "How do you know?And why would you want to help me?" He seemed like he wanted to say something else but wasn't able to put it into words.

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