Chapter 1

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_Chapter 1_

Elliot Warren

Of course my parents wouldn't listen to me when I said I didn't need an assistant.

It has been two weeks now since we moved here and one day since I have gone to school. It was all going too smoothly these weeks except for my school day. It was terrible. I had my problems absolutely everywhere and not the guts to ask anyone for help.

But I mean it was my first day, right? And it was not that bad to begin with. I would have grown accustomed to everything with time but Mom and Dad didn't even pay me attention when I tried to explain that to them. So therefore, they came up with that shitty idea to get me an assistant or caretaker, whatever you wanted to call it, who could help me in school, given that their work is really inflexible. The fact that I already moved for the fourth time in my life, tells a lot.

Thus, it was always one of my biggest faults having difficulties finding friends. And no, not because I was different from every other regular student in school even though it played another significant role in that.

However this time, I was kind of relieved to have moved away despite having many friends - or at least more than I had previously - back home whom I could hang out with, regardless of spending most of my time with them.

It was after I wasn't able to walk anymore. They suddenly started behaving differently. They were strange, starting to cut me off on their afternoon meetings, saying that it would just burden me by tagging along. I can't tell whether they were just being considerate in a dumb way or plain assholes. But judged by the fact that they didn't even want to keep in touch with me, I guess it was the second.

Not that I already had enough problems to get over with. The reason we moved here was not only because of work but because the physiotherapist we had here seems to be one of the best in the country. I didn't really like him, though. That was a big deal since I have to spend every week at that place.

Anyway, pushing these facts aside, everything must, of course, get even worse when my parents came up with that idea. At first I really assumed that it was all just a joke, but then Mom had to bump into a woman while groceries shopping. And now they both seemed to be like best friends. Not only that, apparently that woman had a son in my grade who qualified to be my caretaker.

I only knew because I eavesdropped on my parents' conversation. Usually, I am not a person to stalk people, but they where being suspicious the entire week, so I just had to figure out what was going on. Even I couldn't control my curiosity at that point.

And that is how we got to the place where I had locked myself in my room, upset with my parents and therefore not letting them in.

"Honey, please. You have to understand why we are doing this. We are doing it for you," Mom said after knocking on my door.

"I don't want to hear that!" I held my ear close but it didn't help that much.

"Who knows, maybe you could be good friends. Besides the boy and their parents are going to visit us tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you." That was the last thing she said after leaving me alone.

Yeah right, good friends...


Ricky Martinez

"Wait are you telling me that I'll have to play babysitter for some disabled kid?" I widened my eyes. Oh please not, I'd rather take another hundred hours of social work.

"You don't have to take care of him all the time, just mainly in school or at home when his parents leave for more than a day."

"You've got to be shitting me," I groaned and let myself fall on the couch after returning from school or rather the principal's office with my parents.

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