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Nicki POV

It has been a week since Meek's accident and he is still in a coma I've been here ever since and I've never left his side I just woke up I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine I got dressed and I had to bath Meek I always bath him I don't want no nurse touching my man 

"Morning baby" I kissed his cheek

He hasn't moved or anything

I bathed him as I talked to him as usual after that I dressed him up today I decided to cut his toenails I have nothing else to do besides to sit around here and stare at him

"When you wake up I'll have to take you to a beauty spa, your feet are not nice" I said

"And maybe we can get a manicure and pedicure" I said

After cutting his toenails I flushed his nails down the toilet I went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast I ate then went on with my lessons after an hour I took a break I stood up and walked around the room I took a glance at Meek and his eyes were opening

"Meek are you okay?" I asked

He didn't move or respond

"Can you hear me?" I asked

He just looked at me

"Okay uhm blink twice if you can hear me" I said

He blinked twice

"Yey you're alive baby" I jumped then hugged him

I quickly pulled away

"I'm sorry if I squeezed you too tight" I said

I kissed his lips

"I missed doing that, wait lemme go call a doctor or a nurse" I said

I ran to the hallway I found a doctor looking at some papers I grabbed her hand and dragged her to Meek's room

"He's alive, hurry" I said

She checked him she was busy touching him I don't like it when they touch him

"Mr Williams blink if you can feel this" she said moving her finger under his foot

Meek didn't blink

She sighed

"What's wrong doctor?" I asked

"We are still running more tests but we're suspecting that he's paralyzed" she said

"Paralyzed?" I asked

"Yes ma'am, you see there was a disturbance in his vertebral column which affected the nervous system of his spinal cord"

"So he's gonna use a wheelchair?" I asked

"Yes ma'am" she said

"Is this permanent?" I asked

"We're not sure ma'am like I said we're still running more tests"

"Can he talk?" I asked

"Not at the moment but he's doing good he's breathing on his own and he can hear you" she said

I nodded

"I will be back with his results" she said

"Okay" I said

She nodded and left

I went over to Meek and held his hand

"It's okay baby I love you and I will never leave you" I kissed his hand

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