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Days passed,

Nakshatra and Akshay were getting to know each other well. Every morning, Akshay admiring his cute wife's sleep became a daily routine but he never complimented her, he woke up early to watch her sleep and same was with her. Both of their days started with each other's thoughts.

Most of the times, it was Akshay who spent too much of time next to his sleeping beauty. He got back to his routine jog with his brother and everyday Morning tea time was reserved for great conversations, Nakshatra was trying her best to know them. She loved helping Sheela, to prepare breakfast and it was a rule to have food together every morning, a rule made by Nakshatra herself. She took care of Rohan, who usually skipped his breakfast.

Joining Akshay for a before the work's 'Coffee' was her favorite time. Sitting next to him she used to talk about each and everything she was going to do on that day, Akshay always loved to hear her chatter because that was the way how he liked her. Nakshatra was sharing her every single thought with him and in return he shared his favourite coffee made by his wife, with her. Nakshatra was now habitual of having coffee from his cup everyday.

Once Akshay left for office right after kissing her good bye, Nakshatra was joined by Rohan. He dropped her everyday to the job, she was working part time at a small art museum, there were plenty of them in each and every street of London. She loved spending time in the museum which added knowledge to her little treasure box.
'Knowledge is the true treasure which cant be stolen,' Is what she deeply believed in.

Early in the evening she was picked up by Manohar, it was her school time where she learnt many things related to business from her Father in law. He was one of the most learnt and experienced man in the business field, he was her fatherly figure who never made any excuses to escape her talks in fact he loved answering her questions, much unlike her own biological father.

Initially she wanted to go for work on her own but not a single person in the family agreed to it, they all insisted on dropping and picking her up. They indeed loved it, so did she!

Once she was back home, she used to join her Mom, talking about her day and what surprised her the most was that none of them were really tired of her banter,she made sure that she wasn't making them feel bored, since it was always a two sided conversation, step by step those were becoming vast and interesting, just like the two old Friend's never ending talks.

And once Akshay was back, he was left alone for a while in his room. Nakshatra knew that Akshay was still a private person, she gave him that lone space which he needed and now it was very hard for her to fall asleep without him cuddling.

Akshay's life also had a gradual change after Nakshatra came into his life. He lost his skills at flirting, even after trying hard he couldn't even flirt with his very own wife, he admired her to the core and any glance at random girl reminded him of Nakshatra and her cute antics. She was always on his mind and he loved it that way. His life became more lively with her around him. He was understanding her little by little, she was very delicate at heart and after the conversation about her parents he never brought that topic again, he knew that Nakshatra was always detached from her parents and since she liked it that way, he didn't meddle in that matter. She had many insecurities about her relationship, she always took care not to hurt him either through her actions or her words.

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