Chapter 4

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A/N: Welcome to chapter four! I've done it, I got all he introduction chapters out in a matter of days, which means after this one the action may begin! I have broken the curse! 

As always, point out errors you find and anything I've gotten wrong. 

Also, a quick note: In this chapter, an Aviad shifts back and forth between his human and animal form. However, there is no mention of his wings or anything ripping his clothes. I could tell you that this is because he is an experienced Aviad and he can shift into his second half moments after his first (when usually you have to have your wings completely out before you can activate your second half), and when your second half is summoned the clothes disappear with the human body into another space until the form is deactivated. But the true explanation is that I harnessed the power of the strongest Infinity Stone, the Plot Stone, in order to not have to explain something that doesn't make sense. If y'all ever need to borrow the Plot Stone, just let me know, it's a pretty convenient tool and will probably make reappearances throughout this book. Enjoy the chapter, don't forget to comment and vote.

Sawyer Fortes enjoyed long walks in the woods. Of course, he enjoyed a lot of things; he enjoyed flying, he enjoyed swimming, he enjoyed laughing. But nothing really felt the same as a warm, sunny forest with the smell of new leaves. Which was why every day, once he got off from working at the bike shop, he went for a quick hike in the woods behind his house.

These walks were not always peaceful. He'd had to deal with poison ivy, the occasional bunch of angry bees, and once he even ran into an Aviad discovering her wings. But nonetheless, he still enjoyed himself.

However, on today's walk, he'd run into a small predicament. He'd told himself he didn't need his phone, so he'd left it at home, and like the idiot he was, he'd gotten lost. Maybe I took a left turn somewhere? Why do all trees have to look the same?

He'd been walking in one direction for about an hour now, trying to figure out where in the world he was. To make things even better, the sun was about to set. And he was hosting dinner tonight for the flock. That might be a somewhat difficult task if he couldn't even find his house.

After a few more minutes of aimless wandering, he decided to shift into full Aviad nature. His black panther form had a better sense of hearing and smell than his human one, and he was hoping to catch his own trail and follow it back to his house. However, once he'd shifted, he heard something unexpected.

Are those... sobs? It was definitely a young child, no older than thirteen, likely female. She sounded like she was in pain.

Spreading his wings, Sawyer launched himself into the trees. He ran among the branches for a bit, trying to pinpoint the direction the crying was coming from. Once he'd found it, he followed it to a new part of the woods he'd never seen before.

A young girl sat alone in a small clearing. Her straight brown hair fell around her face like a curtain, and her hands were on her shoulders, her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she gasped for breath like she was trying to hold back a panic attack.

Sawyer jumped down from a lower tree branch and shifted back into his human form, hiding his wings. He crouched, and cautiously approached the child.

"Hey," he said quietly, trying to get her attention. She jumped slightly, frightened by his voice. Her large blue eyes widened in fear.

"Who are you?" she asked, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just had to get out of there, I'll go straight back, I promise-"

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