Chapter 2

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The minute the bell rang, every child in the room was on their feet. Everyone had begun packing their things at least ten minutes before the end of class, to their teacher's annoyance, but really, what was the harm? It was the second-to-last day of school, and the entire seventh grade was itching for summer break.

Lucy Dawning was one of those seventh graders. She wasn't sure she could survive one more day of school, let alone without her best friend. That reminded her, she had to meet Amelia before she left.

Lucy, since she was seated right next to the door, was the first out of the classroom. Radiating energy, she zipped down the hallway like a bird set free from its cage.


Lucy wrapped her arms around Amelia in a tight hug goodbye. "I'm going to miss you."

"Relax," Amelia chided, but hugged her back anyway. "I'll be back in, like, two weeks. It's just a family reunion. Besides, you'll be plenty busy with your Aviad friends, and that vacation you guys are going on."

"It's barely a vacation. It's a three-day retreat to Sawyer's lake house, that's all." She squeezed Amelia hard one more time before letting her go. "And I wish you could come."

A trace of envy flashed through Amelia's eyes for a fraction of a second before her cheerful smile was back. "Ah, I wish so too, but I'll be partying in Pennsylvania with my millions of extended family members. You'll be missing me more than I'll be missing you."

Lucy sighed. "Yeah, yeah. You're just happy you don't have to sit through one more day of school."

Amelia flashed a smile. "Yep. I am. But seriously, I'll miss you. I'll text you at every chance I get."

"You better." Lucy gave Amelia's arm a quick squeeze before throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "See you in two weeks."

Amelia waved goodbye as she turned to walk away. "See you in two weeks."


Madison Pierce tapped her foot on the ground. Then checked her phone. Then started chewing her nails. What is taking so long?

Mads was standing outside a large, gray building, in the backyard to avoid being seen. Her eyes were fixed on a window several stories above. It was a small window, maybe two square feet. However, that was hardly a deterrent for the inhabitant of the room.

The window pane trembled for a minute before the lock clicked open and the glass slid open. A familiar face peeked through the opening, and smiled down at Madison. "Hey, Mads!"

"Hurry up, Seb," Mads called up. "The longer we're here, the longer we're not flying."

Sabine Moore pulled her slender form out of the window headfirst and stood on her toes on the two inch ledge right outside her window. Madison hated this part of Sabine's escape plan the most. The drop was around forty five feet since Sabine lived on the third floor. (A/N: For all my friends who use the metric system, that's about fourteen meters) It wouldn't have been a problem if Sabine were like most Aviads and just glided down. But nooooo, she has to be a literal lunatic.

Sabine smiled at Mads before hopping off the ledge and plummeting. She crossed her arms over her chest and whooped, her hair blowing into her face like a whirlwind. Madison had seen her do this a hundred times, but every time she always wanted to run forward and catch her friend. She had to remind herself to stand still.

When there were only about twenty feet between her and the ground, Seb unfurled her wings. They burst from the open-backed sun dress she wore, in a flash of brilliant white that caught the sunlight like a mirror. It was like watching flowers bloom. They opened so fast it was hard to comprehend. They caught the air and slowed Seb's fall instantly. She floated to the ground like a dry leaf in autumn, smiling the whole way.

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