Chapter 1

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"Mr. Elderstone, are you listening?"

Lucian snapped back to attention. He'd spent the last twenty minutes on his phone under his desk playing games, but he sat in the back of the class and didn't think anyone would notice. Clearly, he should have given Ms. Miller more credit.

"Of course I'm listening," he said smoothly, slipping his phone into his pocket and flashing Ms. Miller a winning smile. "I would never ignore a lesson from my favorite teacher in the whole school. And, may I say, what lovely earrings you're wearing today."

Ms. Miller rolled her eyes at him, before tapping the board with her finger. "Yeah, keep joking around, see where it gets you. Please put your phone away and pay attention."

Luke nodded and gestured for her to continue, fully intending to tune out again once her attention was diverted to something else. What was the point, anyway? There was only one more day left in the school year, so it wasn't as though anything important was being taught today. But movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention.

Another boy in his class - What's his name? Carver? - was rubbing his shoulders and wincing. Luke ran a hand over his own shoulder, where his tattoo was safely camouflaged. His mind began racing.

This boy is old enough that if he were one of us, he would probably know. But the boy's face was only confused. It's possible that his genes are just maturing late. If his wings come out right here, it will not go well for anyone. Especially him.

The boy raised his hand with some amount of effort, keeping his other hand pressed against his shoulder.

"Mr. Duvall, is there something you need?" Ms. Miller asked skeptically.

"I think I may have pulled a muscle or something in my shoulder. Can I quickly go see the nurse?" His voice was shaky.

Their teacher scanned him for a moment before nodding and waving him towards the door. "Please be fast."

The boy stood hastily and stumbled out of the classroom. As he left, Luke squinted. He thought he could make out a trace of ink peeking out of the boy's collar. If there's even a chance this kid is one of us, I have to make sure he's okay.

Luke smacked his gum in his mouth. He'd been chewing it subtly all class, but thankfully no one had noticed. Until now.

Ms. Miller's head swiveled around as though her neck had been snapped, the way all teachers did when they heard someone chewing gum. "Mr. Elderstone, is that gum? You are fully aware that gum is not permitted during the class period, are you not?"

"Sorry, Ms. Miller," he said quickly, getting up from his desk and heading towards the door. "I'll go find a trash can and throw it away." He turned the handle and pulled the door open.

"There's a trash can right here-" Ms. Miller began.

"Can't hear you!" Luke shouted behind him, already running down the hall to catch up to the other boy.


Luke was fast and caught up to him quickly. Besides, he was clearly not in the best shape to walk. His face was starting to shine with sweat and he couldn't stop massaging his shoulders. On closer inspection, there was definitely a tattoo forming.

Luke grabbed his arm and started pulling him in the opposite direction he had been going. "Come with me."

"What?" The boy was obviously confused, and Luke wasn't surprised. The first time he'd unfurled his wings he'd been ecstatic, but he could see why it would be terrifying to others. To the boy's credit, he didn't fight and adjusted his course to match Luke's. "Who are you? Where do you-?"

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