Meta Knight/Sister! Puffball! Reader P2

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Day 1
"Oh wow, this- this took way longer than I thought it would." You wheezed, stopping to catch your breath.

You looked up, the castle looming in front of you.

At least I'm finally here..

You were just about to head towards the gates when a roar shook the ground, knocking you over.

"Wha-?" You jumped as a rather large winged bird crashed out of the castle.

What the heck. What the heck. What the HECK?!

You immediately turned tail and bolted, your breath fogging up your mask as you ducked under a tree.

The bird thing let out another roar and you noticed something smaller next to it.

Is that....

You squinted, taking in the small pink figure on the star.

One of our kind! I thought they were wiped out!

You watched him swoop around the bird, dodging its attacks.

Oh but he'll get hurt! Oh no, what do I-

Your eyes widened as you watched the small pink sphere casually inhale the bird's fire, and then immediately burn it to a crisp.

You let out a choked cough, hiding behind the tree.

Day 2

You were able to find a small village tl stay the night, though the villagers kept whispering about you.

"The mask, it looks like the one Sir Meta Knight wears!"

You quickly turned to the villager who had spoken that, startling the two.

"Sir Meta knight? Who's that?" You questioned, stepping closer.

"Why, he's the King's head knight!" One answered, looking to the other for confirmation.

"That's right! He lives at the castle where he serves Dedede." The other spoke with a nod.

"I see... do you by any chance know of someone named... Metallo?" You hesitated.

"I'm not familiar with the name... I do apologize." The Cappy replied, noticing your dejected gaze.

"But!" He quickly added.

"Maybe Sir Meta Knight can help you, as I said before he lives up in the castle. Maybe you could ask him."

You turned your attention to the castle, your eyes unconsciously glinting a soft green.

Meta Knight huh...
Day 3

You glared at the small creatures who gaurded the entrance. They shook their heads, blocking you once again.

"I need to go inside! I need to talk to the knight known as 'Sir Meta Knight'!" You tried again.

Still, they simply shook their heads.


Another head shake.

"Fine then!" You turned, quickly walking back down the hill.

Who needs a door anyways.
Day 4
"Hehehehe, those adorable gaurds won't see me coming." You whispered to yourself, adjusting your back pack.

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