Baby, You're So Crazy

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AN: I apologize for taking so long to update. If you haven't seen yet, all my stories are currently on hold because I have WAY too much homework to write lately. I decided to AP History this year and it is a lot more work that I had expected. That combined with my Spanish class that my teacher acts like is honors when it's A-level, my honor math class, and my AP English class, means I've been a bit stressed over school lately. Updates will most likely continue to be slow. I've started writing on the bus on my phone, so if there are a lot of mistakes that's the reason. I'm hoping that this will help me update more reguarly, but I make no promises. All that aside, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

Song: Let It Ride by Automatic Loveletter

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of Jaime's arms around my bare waist. Everything was fine until my stomach started to churn and I felt bile rising up my throat. I bolted up, grabbing one of the sheets off the bed to cover my naked body. Once I reached the toilet, I empty the contents of my stomach into the bowl and was left with the horrible taste of throw up in my mouth. As I stood up and rinsed my mouth out with water since I hadn't unpacked my toothbrush yet, I tried to think back to what I had eaten the day before. The last thing I had was some Doritos on the plane, but I ate Doritos all the time so there was no way that was the issues. I hadn't had anything yesterday that would have triggered this. There was only one there thing it could have been.

"You ok, babe?" Jaime questioned, interrupting my thoughts as he leaned against the doorframe in only his boxers. His hair was all messy from sleep, which just added to his level of hotness.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I wasn't feeling well. It's probably just something I ate yesterday," I answered as my mind wondered. Even though I said it was the food, I knew for sure it couldn't be. The only other thing that could be was the reason for my sudden sickness would be pregnancy, but we always used a condom. I was trying to think back before left for the trip, since it was obvious last night hadn't kicked in that quickly. As I said, we rarely get any alone time because we live with Tony. The last time we had done anything was when Jaime had come home to visit me because Pierce The Veil had a few days off. That was about a month and a half ago. It was awhile ago and since the last few months had been a blur of wedding planning, I couldn't remember if we had used a condom. I then tried to remember when I had gotten my last period. When I came to think of it, I hadn't gotten it last month. I had been so busy with wedding stuff that hadn't even thought about it.

I then realized Jaime was no longer standing in the doorway. I went to go grab some clothes and my phone before reentering the bathroom to get changed. Instead of immediately throwing on my clothes, though, I pulled up Google on my phone. I typed in 'pregnancy symptoms' on my phone. Instantly a list popped up on the screen. Fatigue was on the list. I had been tired a lot lately, but I thought it was just because of the stress of planning the wedding. The next was nausea and vomiting, which had just happened. Missed period also was obviously made the list. Frequent urination was next. At work, I had to use the bathroom after every five song I played or at least that was how it seemed, so that was another symptom I was showing. Some of the other ones I hadn't experienced, but the website said every women was different, so I just might not have those ones.

I blew out a sigh as I locked my phone and started to pull on my clothes. I guess it was time to find a drug store around here and purchase a pregnancy test. I wasn't sure if this was good or bad thing. I mean, we were married, so technically it socially acceptable, but I had wanted to wait a bit to have kids. I guess I would be changing my plans if my hunch turned out to be true. I would also need to tell Jaime and who knew how the hell he was going to take this. I mean, he already had a kid. He probably wouldn't want another so soon especially since we had literally been married for less than forty eight hours.

When I was finished getting ready, I exited the bathroom ready to tell him about the possible baby inside of me. The only problem was that when I walked out he was on the phone. I looked at the phone and saw that it was already noon here which meant it was two o'clock at home. "I'm going to be home in nine days, honey," he was saying. I could tell by his tone of voice that he was talking to Maria, his daughter. I smiled at the site. He was such a good father, which put my mind at ease knowing that if I was pregnant he would love this baby. I tuned out the rest of their conversation and busied myself by looking up the nearest drugstore. It looked like there wasn't one too far from where we were staying. Since I hadn't been paying attention, I was a bit startled when I felt his arms around my waist. "Why're you looking up drugstores?" he questioned, looking over my shoulder at my phone.

"Um..." I trailed off. Even though I thought he would be a great father, I was still a bit nervous about telling him. I had no idea why though. "I, uh, think that my sickness might've been from pregnancy not food," I finally confided.

To my relief, he turned his head to plant a kiss on my cheek. "Really? I wouldn't mind having another Maria around," he told me with a smile stretched across his face. I immediately relaxed. I don't think I could have handle another person who claimed to love me turning on. One failed marriage was enough for me.

After he had gotten dressed and perfectly straightened his hair, we jumped in the rented car and I read the directions on how to get to the nearest RiteAid that my phone supplied me with. "This is so exciting. I kinda hope it's another girl. I think Maria would be a cool big sister," Jaime rambled as he opened the door on the driver's side. It seemed like this week was just full of excitement for us. First getting married, now a possible baby.

We easily found the pregnancy tests and grabbed one of the boxes. Neither of us knew anything about pregnancy tests, so we just grabbed a box that looked good. We then went to the check out and waited for an elderly lady to pay for her medication. "Hey aren't you Jaime from Pierce The Veil?" the teenage behind the counter questioned after the lady had left. His wrists were adorned with rubber bracelets, one of which had the Pierce The Veil logo on it.

"Yep," Jaime answered as he pulled out his wallet. These kind of fan meetings were always a bit awkward for me. I mean, I had gotten used to it over the last five years, but all I could do was just stand there while Jaime and the fan talked. While most of the fans knew about me, they only really cared about him, which was fine with me.

"I love you guys," the kid complimented as he rang up the pregnancy tests. "Didn't you guys just get married a few days ago?" he asked after a moment. We both nodded and he congratulated us. Before we left, I snapped a picture of Jaime and the kid on his phone.

"Well, that was unexpected," Jaime chuckled once the door had closed behind us. We hopped back in the car. "Let's get back to the hotel and see if we got a little Alex junior," he joked as he backed out of the parking spots. I smiled tugged at my lips as he drove. As much as I had wanted to wait, I was warming up to the baby thing. I also couldn't think of a better father for my children. Jaime was amazing with Maria and I knew he would do that same with our kids.

When we finally made it to the hotel, I went into the spacious bathroom and followed the directions on the back of the box. "We gotta wait a few minutes for the results," I explained as I exited the bathroom. He was lounged out on the bed and curled up next to him. "Are you really happy about this?" I questioned quietly.

"Yeah, of course. I didn't know how much I loved kids until Maria and now I can't wait to have more and this time it'll be with the best woman I know," he explained, earning a smile from me. I seriously was so lucky to have someone who felt that way about me. I knew what it was like to have no one who thought highly of you in your life and it made me extra glad to have him.

After another moment, the alarm of my phone went off and I stood up to find out the answer to the big question. As I picked up the plastic stick, I let out a breath before glance down at it.

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