I Do Forever

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to @loverthg for requesting a sequel to Just Give Her Back To Me. In the external link is a picture of Alex’s wedding dress. 

Song: I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know by Never Shout Never


“You look beautiful,” Jess compliment as I adjusted the veil on the top of my head. Today was the day Jaime and I were finally getting married. After almost a year of Pierce The Veil touring, they finally had two months off.

“Thanks,” I responded, my cheeks turning warm. I could feel my stomach churn as I looked at myself in the mirror. My long, white, strapless dress had a sweetheart neckline with some beading and some other design under it. Needless to say, I had fallen in love with it when I had first laid eyes on it.

I reached over to the vanity table to grab the neckless Jaime had given me on our third anniversary just as Jess’ phone started to buzz, signaling she had a text message. “I swear, men do not understand how much time it takes to get ready,” she huffed. I immediately assumed it was Vic. Him and Jess were still dating and I had even overheard Vic talking to Mike about asking her to marry him. 

“Tony does the same thing to me all the time,” Stephanie agreed (AN: I know Tony and Stephanie broke up, but I always thought they were really cute, so for this story, just pretend their still together) She just shook her head and finished putting her makeup brushes away.

“After all these years, my husband just got used to it,” my sister, Caroline, added. After all these years, I had finally contacted her. She was the only family I had left because our mom died shortly after I got married the first time. She had moved to Michigan before I got married because of her husband’s job. She was actually my half-sister and our mom had her before she met my dad. That’s why she so much older than me.

“Before the guys have a fit, we should get out there since we’re all ready,” Stephanie announced. I took one last look in the mirror before nodded. Not to sound conceited, but I looked good.

“Jaime’s gonna be blown away, Dakota,” Caroline reassured me. Since she had known me my whole life, she still called me Dakota. She was really the only one, but it didn’t bother me. Her encouragement made the butterflies in my stomach subside a bit. The only thought that was in my mind, though, was that I couldn’t wait to officially be Mrs. Preciado


“Jaime and Alex have written their own vows to share with you,” the preacher announced to the crowd of our friends and family. After about an hour of taking countless pictures and then waiting for everyone to arrive, the ceremony had finally started. The whole times we had been standing at the alter, Jaime had been staring into my eyes lovingly and it all felt so right. It hadn’t felt this good the first time around. It had felt so rushed and sudden. I had been so nervous. I mean, I was sixteen about to make a huge commitment to a guy I really didn’t know all too well and that I wasn’t even in love with. This time, I was so sure I was one hundred percent in love with Jaime and being with him would be all I would ever need. “Jaime, would you like to go first?” the preacher questioned, breaking into my thoughts.

“Oh, yeah,” Jaime responded, pulling a piece of paper with his scribbled handwriting out. He took a deep breath and I could see a small smile appearing on his lips. “Alex, from the first time we met, I was totally in love with you. I had no idea at the time how that day would so drastically change my life and I wouldn’t have it any other. Even after all the stuff we’ve been through together over the last six years, I’m still just as in love with you as I was six years ago. I promise to love you and be the best husband I can be and of course try not to be so hyper all the time. I can’t wait to start our lives together,” he stated, glancing at his paper every so often. By the end, I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. Even though he was always joking around, he really did have a romantic, sweet side and it reminded me why I loved him so much.

“Alex,” the preacher prompted. I took a deep breath as my stomach churned with apprehension. I might be able to talk on the radio everyday, but that was without people staring at me. While it was sometimes nice to be the center of attention, the amount of eyes on me at that moment made my palms sweaty.

“Jaime, when we first met, I was at my lowest low and without you I’d still be homeless and scared. With your love and support I found a way to put the past behind me. You are the only person I’ve ever truly loved and I promise to continuing loving you. I promise to stay loyal even when your on tour for months and I promise to laugh at your jokes, no matter how lame they are. Most importantly, I vow to stay by your side for the rest of our lives and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us,” I said, trying to hide my nervousness. When I looked up from my own piece of paper, I could see Jaime looking at me with a huge grin on his face.

“Do you, Jaime Alberto Preciado, take Dakota Alexandria West to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the preacher asked, turning his attention to Jaime. It was so weird to think that in just a few moments, this would all be over and we’d be married, but I couldn’t wait.

“I do,” Jaime answered almost immediately. The whole time, he was still looking at me with that goofy grin on his face. He was seriously that cutest guy ever.

“And do you, Dakota Alexandria West take Jaime Alberto Preciado to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the preacher questioned, looking at me. I think everyone knew how I felt and there really wasn’t a need to ask, but of course it was just his job.

“I do,” I responded. I had never said anything with more honesty in my life. I had never loved anyone more than I loved him and I couldn’t imagine getting married to anyone else.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” the preacher told us. As soon as the words left his mouth, Jaime’s lips were colliding with mine. I had seriously just wanted to kiss him the whole time. As soon as he kissed me, the nervousness in my stomach subsided.

“I love you so much,” he whispered when he pulled away. When I looked into those amazing brown eyes, all I could see was love and it made me realize how lucky I was to have him.

There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fan Fic) [Sequel to Just Give Her Back To Me]Where stories live. Discover now