She Was Always the One

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Song: Let Love Bleed Red by Sleeping With Sirens


“Ready for Hawaii, baby?” Jaime questioned with a large grin as the plane we had just been on for five and a half hours came to hault. He had been excited about this honeymoon for a really long time. Apparently, Pierce The Veil’s touring had never taken them to Hawaii, so going some place new had made him overjoyed.

“I’ve been ready,” I responded, returning his smile. It was pretty nice to think that I wouldn’t have to go back to work until almost a week and half later. It wasn’t that I didn’t like my work, it was just I was there almost everyday and it was good to have a break.

“This is gonna be so awesome,” he started and then continued to rambled about all the great stuff we were going to do, his leg bouncing up and down the whole entire time. It got to the point where the lady who had the third seat in our row started giving him an annoyed look. She had been doing it practically the whole flight and Jaime had stopped noticing it after about fifteen minutes. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at his over the top exhilaration. He definitely kept things entertaining and I was glad he would be keeping my life interesting until the day I died. I seriously couldn’t imagine life without him.

Soon, we were allowed to leave the plane. We got our rental car and then went to the hotel to checkin. By time we actually got there, it was pretty late since the flight had been so long and I was feeling a bit jet lagged from our long day of traveling. When we finally made it to the room, I kicked off my sneakers and plopped down on the king sized bed in the middle of my bed without even attempting to unpack any of my stuff. “Tired?” Jaime questioned, climbing into bed next to me. I just gave him a nod and let out a yawn. When my mouth was once again closed, he reached over to give me a passionate kiss. “How ‘bout now?” he asked with a grin. I knew just what he was getting at. Even though we got married yesterday and had been ready to do what he was suggesting yesterday, we still were living with Tony. We had bought a house, but the family that we bought it from wasn’t moving out until this week, so we were going to move out after we got home.

“I’m not too tired for that,” I responded, returning his smile. I reached over to lock lips with him again. He always seemed to have me coming back for more. A minute later, he gently bit my lower lip, causing a moan to escape my mouth and my lips to part. He took this as his chance for his tongue to enter my mouth. Our tongued fought for dominance, until finally he won. His hands wandered up my shirt and went to work after finding their destination. His touch gave me chills just like always. After a few more kisses, he was climbing on top of me. Every time we came up for air, I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I started to push his Key Street t-shirt up and he finished getting it off to reveal his tan torso. I ran my hand over his chest, giving him his own goosebumps. I loved that even after so long, my touch still made him shiver. My fingers tangled in his spiked-up hair as out lips moved in sync. Every kiss seemed more passionate than the last and they all put my body in a state of pure ecstasy.

Soon, he pulled my Pierce The Veil t-shirt over my head before continuing to kiss me. He then started to turn his body, causing me to follow. As soon as he had access, his hands traveled to my back and he started fumbling with my bra clasp. After only a moment of struggling, I felt the material loosen around my body and I slipped the straps off of my arms. He sat back for a minute, admiring his view. I used to feel so self conscious when he did that, but now I was one hundred percent comfortable around him and I knew I didn’t need to worry about him judging me for my body shape because he loved me. “You’re so beautiful,” he complimented and I felt my cheeks get warm. I still was terrible at taking his flattery. 

Before I could say anything, though, his hands were busy trying to get my jeans unbuttoned. In no time, he had gotten them undone and was pushing them down my short legs. I then kicked them off and started on his belt. After I got his pants off, underwear went flying and I was sure every person on our floor could hear us, but I couldn’t care less. I mean, you only get one honeymoon with your soulmate, right?


When we were finished, we settled under the covers on the maybe the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. It might’ve just been the company that made me think it was so luxurious, but it didn’t matter. All that did matter was that I had Jaime for the rest of my life.

“Whatcha thinking about?” he questioned before he kissed the top of my head, which was resting on his chest. His tattooed arm was wrapped around me and I had never felt safer or more at home. I know most people associate home with a place, but in my opinion, my home was right in his arms. I had never felt more comfortable anywhere else.

“How lucky I am to have you,” I responded. It sounded corny, but it was truly what was on my mind. I was so unbelievably blessed to have him by my side through everything. I knew finding someone who loved me as much as Jaime was a once in a life time thing. I had never had a guy tell me they loved me and truly mean until I met him.

“I love you so much, Mrs. Preciado,” he told me after moment of silence. To be honest, I liked the sound of it: Mrs. Preciado. It definitely was something I could get used to being called.

He then reached down to kiss me. “I love you so much, too, Mr. Preciado,” I responded with a chuckled when he set his head back down on the pillow. I almost felt like we were in one of those terrible romance movies. Only this was real life and I was really married to the man of my dreams.

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