Chemical Kids

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to rawr4rockstar for asking me to update. I meant to update last week, but I ended up being really busy because I was taking this art class and I had to finish some of the projects at home. Anyway, if you want to see what Maria's room looks like, it's in the external link. Enjoy the chapter! :)

Song: Life Of A Salesman by Yellowcard


"Daddy!" Maria cried out when he had opened the door. She wrapped her tiny arms around his legs as Erica handed over Maria's duffle bag. No matter how long she stayed with us, her little clothes always seemed to fit in the same bag.

Jaime let out a chuckle before bending down to hug his daughter. I couldn't help but smile at the scene. I was excited to think that soon, he'd be doing the same with our child when he came home from tour. "I missed you, Daddy," Maria told him as he kissed the top of her head.

"Missed you, too, sweetie," he responded as I took her bag from him so he could more properly hug the small girl. Even though the situation might not be ideal, Maria was lucky to have a such an awesome father.

"How was Hawaii?" Erica questioned, looking over at me as Maria chatted with Jaime happily.

"It was beautiful," I replied with a smile. I seriously wanted to tell her about me being pregnant, well, rather I just want to tell anyone and she happened to be the closest person to me that didn't already know, but I knew I would have to wait. I had called and scheduled a doctor's appointment to make sure the pregnancy test was right and stuff, so I knew we would have to wait awhile before announcing the exciting news. I was really putting my nerves on the shelf and focusing on how thrilling it was to be having a baby.

A few moments later, Maria had said goodbye to Erica and it was just the three of us. "You wanna see your new room?" Jaime asked, looking down at Maria, who was nodding her head happily. With that, we all went up stairs to the pink room.

"It's pink!" she exclaimed. Both of us had known she was love the rose colored walls. I was glad we had been right. We wanted to avoid painting any walls at all costs.

"You can decorate however you want," I told her, sitting down on the bed that we had ordered with the rest of our furniture. We hadn't bought a bedspread or sheets because we figured she should pick them out, so it was just a mattress sitting in the frame.

"Yeah, Alex was thinking we could go shopping today," Jaime suggested, making Maria's grin widen. Maria was very easily excited. She was probably one of the happiest kids I had ever met.

"Can we go right now?" she asked, practically jumping up and down. I guess it was a big deal for her to be able to decorate her own room. I'm sure that Erica had decorated her bedroom at their house.

"Sure," Jaime responded with a chuckle. We then went back down the stairs and piled into our Toyota. Maria rambled on from her carseat in the backseat with exhilaration laced in her voice. Maria was just like Jaime when it came to personality. They were both energetic and totally happy people. They both talked all the time, too. She looked a lot like him, too. To be honest, they were almost exactly alike in general.

Within about fifteen minutes, we had arrive at a Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I had looked up the best place to take Maria shopping before and came to the conclusion that they had the most pink, frilly merchandise. When we made it inside, we led Maria to where she would stuff to go in her room and pretty much let her go for it. Of course, we kept an eye on her. She was a pretty good kid; she knew not to let us lose sight of her and she rarely bothered any other people when we went out. One good thing about her being so talkative was that she never went far because she had no one to talk to if she did.

Of course she had to point out everything to us. I couldn't help but think that when the baby came, we might not have all the time in the world to listen to her chatter. I had a feeling that it would be a struggle to give Maria the same amount of attention we gave her when she was with us now after the baby came. We would obviously handle it, but I knew I would have to take special care when it came to showing Maria the same amount of love I showed her now. I would hate for her to feel abandoned when the baby came.

"Can we get these?" she asked, pointing to packages of dark pink curtains. The dark pink would offset the light pink of the walls well. For a five-year-old, she definitely knew what she was talking about.

"Of course," Jaime told her as I took two packages off the wall and threw them in our cart. When I looked down at her, she was already down the isle. If I was any older, I swear, I would have the hardest time keeping up with her. Sometimes I needed some of her energy to rub off on me.

We soon had made our way to the bed spreads. Before we could stop her, she had climbed up on one of the show beds. Thankfully, she didn't try to jump on it or anything. She just looked at the butterfly pillow perched on it. "Look, a butterfly," she cried out happily as she pretended to make it fly. I remembered having something similar when I was a little girl. The only difference was that I was a lot more shy than her as a child. Neither of us tried to coax her into moving along. As long as she wasn't being destructive and she wasn't bothering anyone, we really didn't care what she did. If that pillow kept her occupied for a while, then we'd let her stay. After a few moments, an older saleslady approached us. Being so shy, I really just wanted to shop without being bothered, but salespeople never seemed to understand that.

"It looks like you're having fun," she said to Maria with a grin. "I can show you where these ones are," she told us, gesturing to the bedspread.

"You like this one?" Jaime asked the small girl. She nodded at him and with that the saleslady led me over to an isle where the same bedspreads were sold. It had small purple butterflies and rainbows on it.

"She's adorable. I take it she's yours," she told me. People usually assumed that Maria was mine. It was always so awkward having to explain that I wasn't her mother even though I kind of felt like I was.

"Thank you, but she's my husbands," I responded, causing the lady's smile to falter. It usually got even more complicated if someone found out that she had been born while Jaime and I were together, so I hoped she wouldn't ask questions. It really wasn't any of her business anyway.

Fortunately, she didn't ask any questions. Instead she just took on of the bedspreads down for me. I thanked her before she walked quickly away. Explaining that Maria wasn't my daughter was usually weirder when it came to older people. They could be so close-minded. When I made it back to Maria and Jaime, I put the package in the cart and we continued our shopping, which was more or less just us following the five-year-old around and trying to keep up with her.

Somehow, she found the baby section of the store on the way to check out and started weaving in and out of the cribs. "When are you having a baby?" Maria asked. Obviously she didn't realize how ironic her question was.

"What do you mean?" Jaime asked. The question was quite random even though we were surrounded by baby items. We had never talked to her about us having a baby before.

"Well, you're married now and the other kids say that married people have babies. I told them that you and Mommy aren't married and they said I was special," she explained. I couldn't help but smile at her innocence.

"Well, in that case, I guess soon," Jaime answered. We obviously didn't want to tell her that we were having a baby until we knew for sure, but we also didn't lie to her. If we told her we weren't having a baby, she would be probably get upset when we did tell her.

"Really?" she asked excitedly. I guess we wouldn't have to worry about her being upset about being a big sister. She was pretty stoked even though Jaime had given her an indefinite answer.

"Maybe," was all Jaime said. She then started rambling on about how much she wanted to be a sister. She said she wanted the baby to be a girl. As she chatted, Jaime gave me a knowing smile. Soon we would have one of these cribs in our home. Soon we would have another Maria to run after. As tiring as that sounded, it also sounded amazing.

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