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Natalia POV

"Welcome to our humble abode." Emma said dramatically bowing, flicking the switch as we entered the house. I had tried desperately to convince Nick that I would be fine in the hospital for a few days and how he needed to get on with his life, but he wouldn't have any of it. I even tried to prove that I was okay by dancing, but that backfired when the guy had to catch me. 

"I know, it's not much, but it's home." I shrugged, wiggling out of Nick's arm which was holding me up, leaning on the wall instead. 

"I love it," Nick said quietly, kissing my temple lightly. I blushed harder than ever before and didn't miss Emma, Joe and Kevin exchanging looks. Nick rolled his eyes at the trio and wrapped his arm around my waist again, following Emma into the lounge. 

As soon as we were close enough, I plopped myself down onto the couch. I hated relying on people. I've been on my own since I was 13, it's unnatural for me to need anyone else. Emma knew what I was like and she knew that I hated seeming weak and that is why I resisted so much against Nick helping me. Well, that and the fact that I didn't want the lions to descend onto me for withholding the Jonas' from them.

I wriggled slightly, uncomfortable and motioned to Emma to help me up. 

"We'll be back, I need to get out of these Jeans!" I said to the boys before approaching the stairs with Emma's help.


"Soooo. You and Nick seem to be getting on quite well..." Emma spoke as soon as we reached my room, waggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up!" I laughed, throwing my pillow at her. "He just feels sorry for me. Give it a few days and we will never hear from them again."

"I'm not convinced myself but hey, we'll see who's right in a few days." She responded, hand on her hip. I rolled my eyes and quickly changed into my pjs. 

"Come on then. Sometimes I wonder who's the more mature one."

"Nah, you wish you were as cool as me." We laughed, walking back downstairs.


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Nick POV

I watched the girls retreat upstairs before sitting on the sofa, running my hand through my curly hair. 

"Natalia seems nice." Kevin said sitting next to me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, I knew exactly what he was implying. 

"Natalia and Nicky sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-"

"JOE!" I interrupted. How am I the youngest? "Look, I know exactly what you guys are getting at, and you're wrong. We live in different countries for a start, she also doesn't deserve to be dragged into all of this. She needs to live a normal life." 

"Bro. You've got it baad!" Joe laughed again.

"It will never happen, just leave it alone Joe." I said no more, hearing laughing as the girls returned.

A/N : Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading! This is a short one and is a bit of a filler, but I am already working on the next chapter. Keep reviewing and voting, it truly does make my day and make me upload faster! Xx

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