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Natalia POV


The worst bit about having a hypo, is waking up. It's almost like an out of body experience, you can't move to start with as everything is so stiff, yet you're awake. The first time it happened I was 13. I scared the hell out of my parents as I suddenly screamed but didn't move. I still have to fight the urge 5 years late.

The first thing to function are your senses, you hear everything, then you can feel the touch of everything around you, then you can open your eyes. 

What I didn't expect, was the first person I saw to be one Nicholas Jerry Jonas. Everything came flooding back. The concert, the tingling, being taken backstage and then nothing. Similarly to waking up, the last thing to go when you go down is your hearing. I remember hearing the panic around me as I was moved, Emma screaming my name. I gasped. Emma!

"Emma!" I whispered panicked. "Nick?" I said confused. 

Nick must have pressed the call button because at that moment a group of people rushed in. I recognised Emma, Joe and Kevin immediately and the others I guessed must be doctors and nurses. 

"Ah. Miss Rogers, welcome back. How are you feeling?" One of the doctors asked, I opened my mouth to respond, only to end up gaping like a fish out of water.

"Here." Nick said, passing me a cup of water. 

"Thanks." I muttered before addressing the doctor, "like I've been hit by a bus to be honest." Emma chuckled slightly knowing what I was like. "I'm fine,  just stiff mainly. How long was I out?" 

"A couple of days." It was Kevin that answered. I suddenly felt very guilty, Nick was wearing the same outfit that he was at the concert, he hadn't been here the whole time had he? I looked at each of the boys in horror, my eyes landing on Nick last. I raised an eyebrow.

"If you tell me you have missed your shows to sit here I am going to throttle you Nick Jonas." Joe burst out laughing at the top of his lungs, only for Emma and Kevin to smack him round the head simultaneously. Nick rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered, but you don't know me. Why exactly did you blow off millions of fans to just sit there by a girl you don't even know?" I shifted, arching my brow staring at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joe trying desperately not to laugh. 

"I just had to know you were okay. I... I just had to." He responded awkwardly. I softened and placed my hand on his arm.

"Thank you. You didn't have to but thank you all the same." I looked to the one remaining doctor standing in the corner of the room, looking like he wished he was anywhere else. "When can I go home?" 

"We'll monitor your blood sugars and all being well you can go this evening as long as there is someone who knows how to check your sugars." I nodded disappointed. Emma has never managed to get her head round the tests. 

"What's wrong?" Nick asked, seeing my face drop.

"I can't seem to get this testing malark down, and we live together." Emma said, almost ashamed.

"What about your parents? Did they not do it when you were younger?" Kevin asked.

"They're not around anymore, I've done it all myself since I was 13." I responded simply. "It's fine, I'll just have to stay here for a few more days." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"No you won't, let me help." I looked at the brown haired boy sat next to me in shock. Did Nick Jonas really just offer to help me with my diabetes? My inner fangirl was screaming but my conscience wouldn't let him do that.

"No Nick, it's fine. You need to get back to your shows. You've wasted enough time on me already." He seemed to get angry all of a sudden.

"You are not a waste of time Natalia Rogers, don't every say that to me again." He seemed torn between being angry at my words to upset about how I felt that. I said nothing and simply reached to give him a hug. He hesitated and I nearly pulled away before he wrapped his arms around me tightly, shifting slightly so I wasn't leaning so much. 

I hadn't felt so secure in someone's embrace since my parents left, Emma doesn't really do hugs so it's normally such a fleeting experience. I could live in Nick's embrace forever on the other hand. His strong arms wrapped securely around me gave me such an overwhelming sense of safety and had this power that made me never want to leave. 

I knew I had to snap out of it, he's Nick Jonas for crying out loud, but some part of me hoped that this wouldn't end any time soon...

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