21-A note

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I was being rushed in, but I asked them to stop for a minute. They did for a second. I look over to Kyoya and say, "The note in you pocket."

Then I was rushed away. Kyoya dug it out as the other's came. Tamaki, Haruhi, Honey, Hikaru, Kauro, and the kid's all came.

*Authors POV*

Kyoya opened the note, and read it out loud.

Dear, Host Club,
I just wanted you all to know that I knew it was going to happen up on stag. I keep telling you I had a year, or two. I lied, they ran tests last week again. I learned I would only have about a week. I hope that Kyoya, and Takashi can watch the kid's. And Tamaki I hope you, and Haruhi get married and have many kid's. I wish I told you, but I wanted you to be happy. Hikaru thank you for all the times you helped the kid's go to school for me. That's when my lungs started to fail, but we dident know what was happening yet. I may not have been with you all that long but I wish I was. Go to my house to find the next note. Its on the couch.

Kyoya but the note down. They all rushed over to my house. They opened the door to see the note that I wrought about. Takashi opened it this time, and read it out loud.

Dear, Host Club,
Looks like you found the next note YEAH! I am pretty sure I'll be in the Hospital when you read this. So Kauro I want to thank you for baby sitting my kid's for me. And Honey thank you for always being there when I needed it. Kyoya, and Takashi thank you for loving me all the times you did. I wish you still did before I left, but it's fine. Your here now. So I just wanted to say I love you. I have a CD for all of you in my room. Each of them have a name on it. They are different song's for all of you. Made them just for you. Now I need to go so hope I get to see you all before I die.

Your friend, and love,

They all went to my room to get the CD's they all wanted to listen to them together. So Haruhi put her's in so they could listen.

After the song a voice came on that made them all cry.

"Hey Haruhi! I miss you. Wish I could of played this in front of you. I want you to know that you are a strong girl! No one should ever dought you. So build a empire for me. Make it for all of us! Do that for me okay?"

After that Tamaki put his in.

"HEY TAMAKI! How are you? Hope you don't cry over me. Be strong. Your my Prince, and Princes don't cry. You have nothing to lose. Go out in the world be you! Evan if I'm dead okay."

Honey put his in next.

"Hey my childhood bestie! I hope you still play the piano. I always loved to hear you play. It's amazing how well you play! Please evan if I'm gone still play it."

Everyone was crying by now so kauro put his in.

"Hey Kauro! Hope you liked the song. I just want you to know that you are NOT Hikaru. So please stop trying to be him. You can be you, don't be him. Be your own you. Do it for me. Please don't miss me when I'm gone please."

Hikaru was smiling as he put his in.

"Hey Hikaru. I hope you know I can't talk as much by now. My lungs are a little to hurting to so I'll try my best. I wish there where two of you. You are amazing. I just wish you would try to make more friend's. Because when I'm gone I can't help you as much. But I'll always be here."

Hikaru started to cry at my words. Kyoya got up to put his in, and sat back down.

"Hello Kyoya. Hope that you wont fell bad. I missed you when you where gone. Wish you told me. I still love you. Always have. It's hard without you. But when I am gone... Please move on. Find someone better then me. Okay? Live life find a new mom for are kid's. I love you."

"But no one is better then you." Kyoya whisperd.

Takashi got up to put his in as the other's started to cry more.

"Hey Takashi. Hope you can find someone who will help you bring out your emotions. Better then I could. I never really knew how you felt. Maybe I wasent good enough so you never showed you feelings. I hope you can move on if you havent already. Just want you to know... I love you."

They all start to cry from what I did for them. They got a call from the hospital. I was alive but not for more then a day or two, and that they will have to come over tommorow if they want to see you.

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