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I woke up and I wasn't in the mood for school.. My alarms went off but I ignored it. I unlocked my phone and read my text messages there was just that one from last night and of course it's Jack.
"Hey can I come over? And you know smoke"
"Where are you I went to your house and you weren't there"
"Sky answer"
And that was it..
"Oh sorry, I met a friend and we hung out I slept over her house" I sent him the text then instantly he reads it.
"I thought you got kidnapped"
"Yay I'm cared for"
"Oh and Jack I'm not going to school I'm not in the mood"
"Oh okay well I'm going today so love you sky 💘 bai"
I forgot to text Amber
"Aye I'm not going today"
"Ighht me too"
"Wanna hang or something?"
"I'm just staying home today.."
"Oh okay well I'm going to do something with my boyfriend aka Netflix"
And the conversation ended there.
I turned on my laptop and got Netflix up. I started to watch Elf. It's one of my favorite Christmas movies ever! I suddenly got a text message from a number that was unknown
"I'm sorry"
Who was it?
"Who is this?"
They read it but never texted back.

There is part 5! Tell me what you think of this book? Oh and I made a new book called First lover. it's a Nash Grier fanfic (fanfic ofc) if you like kinda romance things maybe check it out and keep waiting for later in this book there will be romance soon (: -Jessica

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