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Before I start I want to say thanks for 50 views.. And I'm sorry I don't post a lot I'm really busy with school. on the the story..

"SKY WAIT UP!" I heard Amber say.. I was already balling tears I turn around and see her run up to me.. All she does is hug me, really tightly."I-I'm so sorry Cameron needs to chill"
I wiped my tears away. I really just needed a hug
"Amber I'm not as strong as everyone thinks I am... I-I I never did those things Nash said I never cheated, never talked shit well not about anybody else, and.." "Sky I know... Their a bunch of assholes that just hurt you to see what you're going to do... I know you're not as strong but you need to stand up for yourself cause he's just going to keep doing this to you" I thought about what she said and she's right I never looked at it like that... I gave her a big hug "I know we just met today but thanks for being my friend" "Hey us stoners gotta stick together" I started laughing.. "I don't know if my mom is home but do you want to come over and smoke or something?" I smiled at Amber "You got the weed?" "Do I got the weed Bitch! I GOT EVERYTHING" she made me laugh even more.. As we were walking back near the school I see Cameron again how'd he get here so fast? I put my head down and started walking ignoring them "Sky I have a car so let's hurry to the parking lot" I don't think Cameron saw me but we got to Ambers car and quickly started the car and drove away. I didn't text my mom where I was cause I know she doesn't care about where I am. "ABOUT A WEEK AGO WEEK AGO" we shouted while listening to Hot Nigga. We finally arrived at Amber's house. She had a giant house I expected to see something else. Not that I think she'd live in a dump I just thought she'd live in a one story. "Looks like my mom isn't here" "Weed! Weed! Weed!" I chanted.
"Shut up" she unlocks her door and runs up to her room... I see where she keeps her weed, It's under her bed in a little locked tin box.. she grabbed the blunt, stuff it in the paper, lit it, and started smoking it... Amber had the Really good kind of weed. I forgot about the munchies but we could always go to McDonald's. As we were getting high I heard my phone go off I knew it was from Jack cause I could see "Gilinsky🐻" about 13 minutes later I got really hungry I was about to say something but Amber already knew what I was going to say..She walks over to her closet and grabs a ton of food... We ate, Laughed about nothing, said stupid shit, then fell asleep... I woke up around 3:48 I decided to go home. I grabbed all my stuff and started to walk home. When I got home I saw that my mom wasn't home, probably at work or something... I went inside locked the door went up to my room threw my stuff on the floor and fell asleep again.

Okay here's another chapter that I hoped you liked. Oh my god thank you so much for 2/1 votes I know it doesn't seem like a lot but thanks... Follow me on Twitter to give me some ideas for the next chapter... Okie once again thanks and bye loves

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