[32]BTS On Virginity[BTS]

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You and Namjoon's seven year old son walked up to his dad with the most serious expression blasted on his face. Namjoon looked up from the book he was reading and placed it to the side when he realized the boy was demanding all of his attention. Which was not unusual considering how demanding your son could be.

"Yeah, son?"

"What's a virgin?"

For a moment Namjoon blanked.


"A classmate of mine was talking about virgins and I asked what a virgin was and he didn't know."

Namjoon stared at his son in thought after recovering from the initial shock. He was hesitant to answer such a question without your help. To be honest, you and him had never even talked about ways to tell your son about sex. That just wasn't on your minds as he was still only a child, but children are the most curious of humans.

"A simple way to put it Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse. Cultural and religious traditions place special value and significance on this state, predominantly towards unmarried females, associated with notions of personal purity, honor, and worth. That answers your question?"

The child stared at his father in complete confusion. The father, however, was proud of himself for wording it in a way to where his child would never ask that question again for fear of his dad going on a long rant.


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Jungkook walked up to Jin with his phone in his hand and a confused look etched on his face.

"What do you want now?"

Jin placed his spatula on the counter top and wiped his hands on his apron. He was cooking dinner for the four other members who were in the house and wanted to get done as soon as possible so he could go meet his girlfriend.

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