[29]Wedding Things[Min Yoongi ft. BTS]

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Do you know what sucks the most?

Getting invited to a wedding.

The joining of two families in order to create a new one; the merging of two souls madly in love with each other. It isn't the happy couple or their crying parents that suck the most. It's the number of years the couple spent together that always get me.

At every wedding that Yoongi and I get invited to the married-couple-to-be have only dated for a year or a few weeks. Now I'm not one to judge but I'm going to judge because compared to us that's get-to-know-you time. Who only dates for a week and then suddenly decides this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with? It took us a year just to start referring to each other as lovers.

Arriving at the venue was the same as always. An old community church with barely enough room to fit the entire family let alone the friends of the bride and groom; hence the reason some people are heading straight to the reception hall. At this point, I was thinking me and Yoongi should've headed to the reception hall as well, but seeing as how this wedding was different from all the others, I doubt he'd want to miss any second of it.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook, dressed in a specially tailored Versace black suit and blue shades, rushed out of the building with Taehyung and Jimin, who were both dressed in the same outfits, behind him. "Namjoon broke the wedding ring!"

"Namjoon didn't break anything. You're the one who dropped it." Jimin, slightly out of breath, said.

"That's besides the point." Jungkook rolled his eyes and held the ring out to a disinterested Yoongi who was just stepping out of the car. "Can you fix it?"

"How is that my problem?" Yoongi, walking over to open the car door for me, asked. "He's a grown-ass, almost married, man."

"Please, Yoongi." Taehyung pleaded "If we don't fix it soon the wedding will be ruined!"

"You better get to gluing then."

Leaving the younger ones behind to argue over who had the steadiest hands, the two of us entered the main building and sat at the front along with the other band members, all of whom were dressed in the same Versace suit and blue accessory as Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi.

"Y/N, Yoongi. So good to see you!" Hoseok beamed, "How long has it been?!"

I reached over, gave him a quick hug, and smiled.

"Too long. How're the kids?"

Hoseok had recently gotten married to his girlfriend/baby mama. The two of them moved into a six-bedroom house with their three sons and two daughters.

"Better. You know how rough pregnancy can be. She's always trynna do this and that. When I tell her that she has to take it easy, she scolds me! Can you believe her?!"

I giggled a bit and then continued greeting the other members. A few minutes later, the three youngest entered sneakily and sat in the row as well. In order to fit everyone, per Namjoon's request, I almost had to sit on Yoongi's lap.

"Why don't you just-"

"Do you want me to disrespect Jesus? Lord knows what'll happen if I sit on your lap."

"Just sit on my d- lap."

"No. I'll feel like a hoe."

"But you are a-"

"I am a what?"

"A hoe. You are a hoe, Y/N."

Yoongi whipped his head to look at Jungkook. He mouthed some unheard words to the younger before smiling at me with that smile that says he's not innocent but wants you to think he is. I glared at him and mumbled under my breath.

"Just wait until this is over. Jesus won't be the only one hanging on the cross."

A few minutes later Namjoon's future partner walked down the aisle with their father. The love in Namjoon's eyes clear as day, as he takes their hand and helps them onto the stage. Of course, because of the dress, they couldn't get up the steps, so before anyone could help, Namjoon picked them up in bridal style and carried them the rest of the way.

"Are you going to help me on stage like that when we get married?" I asked Yoongi, who was half asleep.

"He'll fall asleep waiting on you." Jimin teased, "And even if he didn't, how is he gonna pick you up with those noodles?"

"His legs would snap if he attempted to pick ANYONE up." Jin cackled.

Yoongi, clearly awake, whispered low enough for the three of you to hear.

"I know where you all live."

Obviously scared, Jimin turned his attention back to the wedding, Jin laughed off the threat and I stared at Yoongi. He opened his eyes and frowned.

"What? I know where you live too."

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