Part 14

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Steve has woken up from his coma for about two days now. He could see her effort to show him that she could be a very good wife to him. He never asked her to prove anything but then he knew no matter what he said she will still do it. He loved it anyway. He has been waiting for this moment for so long. He was laying on the bed watching the television but then he felt so bored and thought if he could just take a little walk outside. He slowly moved from the bed. He groaned softly when the wound was stinging. He was then held on the IV pole to support himself. His legs were both not strong enough yet due to him not using them for quite a long. "Steve.. what are you doing?" She immediately went over to him and helped him to stand. "I just feel bored and thought of just taking a walk along the hallway and then back to the room." He said while looking at her. "You should wait for me. You can't move a lot all by yourself." She said worriedly. She didn't want him to get hurt again. "Okay, mom. Next time I will wait for you." He said teasing her by calling her mom. She slapped his arm playfully. "Don't call me that!" He chuckled and kissed the side of her head. " Are you on duty or you just came to check on me?" He asked while looking at her.

Crystal looked up at him. "I am on duty but I have free time now so. I can help to take my husband out for a little walk." She said and smiled. Steve smiled while looking at her. "That's a great thing to hear." He said and she started to walk with him out of the room. At some point, he felt tired and asked her to take rest for a bit. She carefully helped him to sit on the chair that was in the hallway and then sat next to him. "Are you okay?" Steve closed his eyes for a bit and then looked at her. "Yeah. Just feel a lil bit dizzy and pain." He said and she nodded her head. She stroked his arm gently. "Take your time. That is why I don't want you to move a lot." She said and Steve chuckled a bit. "You just can't stop nagging at me huh?" He asked and looked at her. "Nope. Not until you are fully recovered and stop being stubborn." She said and smirked. He just laughed a little and smirked. "I never thought our first date will be like this." He said just joking with her. "Who said this is a date? You owe me one. So you need to listen to your doctor so that you will be well soon and take me out on a proper date." She said and Steve just smiled at her. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head. "I love you so much." He said and she carefully hugged him. "I love you so much too." She said and leaned her head against his shoulder.

While they were being cozy holding each other, Crystal's cell phone was suddenly ringing. She answered it and then looked at Steve. "Let's go back to your room. I have to go back to work." She said while looking at him. "Can you walk or do you still feel dizzy?" Steve looked at her. "I'm fine. I can walk." He said and with her help, he stood up and walked with her back to his room. Once they were there, she helped him to lie back on the bed. "I'll be back soon after work, okay? Get some rest." She said and kissed his forehead. He just nodded his head and smiled at her. She left him to go back to work. As she left, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. She was right about moving a lot was not an option for him right now. He had to be on bed rest a lot before he could do any heavy moving activities.

Steve heard people talking around him. He opened his eyes and saw both of his parents and his in-laws were there. He moved his body up a bit and looked at them. "I am sorry. I fall asleep." He said and they were all smiling at him. "It's okay. We understand that you are resting." His father said and went near to him. "How are you feeling, son?" Steve let out a soft breath. "Much better. Just I still couldn't move a lot." They were all nodding their head understanding his condition right now. "I hope you will be fully recovered soon. I can't wait to repeat the golf match with you." His father in law said and he just chuckled. "You know I always gonna win," Steve said and chuckled more. "I am sure this time I can beat you." His father in law said and they were all laughing together. His father-in-law then touched Steve's shoulder. "Thanks a lot for changing my daughter." Steve looked at his father-in-law and smiled a bit. "I have promised you, dad. I promise to love her until my last breath." His father was very proud of him. Steve was a very good son. He always listens to them.

Crystal was outside the room and she heard what they were talking about and how Steve promised her dad that he will love her until his last breath. He proved that to everyone, especially to her. He died for her. Tears ran down her cheeks. Remembering what she had done to him for the past 3 years being married to each other, she felt that she didn't deserve him. She wiped away her tears before she walked inside. Everyone was looking at her when she walked. "Here comes the doctor. I wonder how long will it take for Steve to be able to play golf again with me?" Her father asked her. "Dad! Really? At least he has to take it easy for 3 months. That if he listens to what the doctor said. Or else it will be longer." She said and smirked at Steve. "Wow! Really? That long?" She nodded his head and looked at Steve. Steve just smirked back at her. "Looks like you have a lot of time to practice before the match." He said and chuckled. They were all laughing. "So, since Crystal is here. Then we want to excuse ourselves to go home." Crystal pouted when she heard that. "Already? Come on moms and dads. I just got here." She said since she missed them so much too. Since the day that Steve was in the hospital, they only met once or twice. That was only when they came to visit Steve. "We don't want to interrupt the alone time between you guys." Her father said teasing them. Her face turned red when she heard that. She chuckled softly. "We will come again tomorrow." His father was now talking. She just nodded her head knowing they had already been here for quite a while.

After their parents left, Crystal got back to Steve. "Hey, handsome." She said and smiled. "How are you feeling?" She asked and carefully climbed onto the bed. "I am feeling okay." He said while looking at her. She suddenly remembered what she heard before. "Steve.. can I ask you something?" Steve frowned when she asked that. "Of course, baby. You can ask me anything." He said and wrapped his arm around her getting her close to him. "Why do you love me so much even though for the past 3 years, all I did was just give you pain?" Steve wondered why she suddenly ask him that. "Why do you suddenly ask me this?" She looked up at him. "Can you please just answer my question?" She said and he nodded his head. "Well, like I told you, I first fall for you when we were 13. I admired the way you think, the way you make me laugh, and the way you smiled and the most thing that I admire about you are your eyes. They are beautiful. Shining under the sun. If I could, I wanna look at them 24/7 but of course, I can't do that because we need to sleep and work." He said and chuckled softly. "And oh, not to forget, you are the first girl that I locked my lips to, and just you. No other girl." He said and smiled. She was shocked to hear that. "Do you know how I know where you were when you didn't come home for dinner on your birthday?" He smiled and let out a deep breath. "We are friends on Facebook. Maybe you don't notice that." He said and she was again shocked to know that. How can she never notice him there?

Crystal couldn't help but have tears in her eyes. So he had been watching her for so long. "I am sorry if you feel like I am stalking you but I just love to know what have you been up to. I love to see all the photos of you. I know from the first time our eyes met, you are the one. The one who will be living in my heart forever, the one who will make me the happiest guy on earth, the one who I wanna grow old with." He said and she held him closely. she wanted to listen more to what he was gonna say. "It hurt me a lot for the past 3 years but I don't mind. I rather feel hurt than feel nothing at all. I rather feel hurt than have someone else as a wife. Because I believe that one day, my patience and love will be able to change your mind and heart. now, here we are cuddling with each other." He said and smiled while looking at her. "When you asked me to let you go, I couldn't breathe. It feels so suffocated inside. I feel like I can't live anymore if we ever separated. I am just glad that we don't and I hope that we never will." Crystal cried listening to him. Why was she so blind before to not see all his effort to win her heart? If not they might already be happy for a long time. She looked up at him. "I am very sorry, Steve. I was too stupid and blind." She said and sighed. "I was letting my ego win instead of trying to see the effort you did to make me love you." She continued and Steve wiped away her tears. "I am just so lucky that you are my husband. Maybe if it was someone else, I might either already be divorced or worst get beaten for being so rude and stubborn." Steve just kept his eyes on her. "I am not like any other man. I won't ever hurt you. I rather just hurt myself than hurt you." She believed in his words because that night on her last birthday, he proved every word he said. He did hurt himself instead of her.

Steve then kissed her lips deeply while his hand was touching her cheek. "I love you so much, Crystal Park Ah Ryung, I promise you that I will love you no matter what forever. You will be the one and only woman I will ever love." He said and kissed her lips more. Crystal was melted by the way he was saying her full name. He was also such a good kisser. "I love you too, Steve Kim Gyeom Lee. Even if you are not my first love but I promise you that you will be my last and forever." She said and he smiled to hear that. They continued to kiss each other.

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