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Steve felt his head was so heavy and in pain. He heard the beeping sound around him. What happened? He slowly opened his eyes and saw he was not in his room but somewhere else. He closed his eyes back when he felt the dizziness. He tried to remember what had happened. "Let me go." Suddenly her voice played back in his mind. Yes, Crystal and he were in the middle of an argument. The last thing he remembered was just his world spinning around. He groaned softly when he felt the pounding pain in his head. "Steve... you are awake?" He heard his mother's voice. He slowly opened his eyes back and saw his mother's face but still blurry. "What happened?" He asked weakly. "You fainted. Crystal said you were going to the bathroom and you suddenly fainted." He sighed softly to hear that. At least she didn't tell that they were arguing. "Where is she?" He asked since he didn't see her anywhere in the room. "With her parents. She looked so scared so her parents are with her to comfort her." Steve just nodded his head weakly.

His mother stroked his head tenderly and kissed his forehead. "The doctor said your blood pressure was too high. That may be the cause of your fainting. They are doing some blood tests too just to make sure there is nothing else." She said and held onto his hand. "Get some rest. I will be here with you." She said and Steve just nodded his head again. He didn't have any energy right now. He closed back his eyes trying to rest. "I will be back. I wanna let the others know that you are awake." She said and kissed his forehead again before she walked out of the room to get to the others. She knew something was up between him and Crystal. Steve wasn't easy to get sick and she noticed the cuts on his hand which proved her right that Steve had been keeping something.

When she reached them, they were all looking at her. "He's awake but still feels weak. I told him to rest." She said and everyone was sighing in relief to hear that except for Crystal. She didn't show any reaction to that. "Crystal, he is searching for you." His mother said and Crystal looked at her. "Go be with him." Her mother then said. She just nodded her head and stood up, walking over to his room. She walked in and saw he was sleeping. She looked at the monitor and sighed softly. At least his blood pressure wasn't as high as before. She didn't know that he wasn't well. How could she know when all she thinks about is just her? She was kinda shocked to see him fall on the floor and not move. After she couldn't wake him up even after she splash some water on his face, she called for an ambulance straight away. When they arrived at the hospital, she immediately called their parents. She didn't know why but deep down she was scared that she might lose him. While waiting for the doctor to treat him, she was crying outside and prayed for God to save him. She was scared that he died because of her.

Crystal sat down on the chair next to the bed. She was scanning his face. She could see he was in tension and she was the reason. She looked at his hand and saw the cut that was caused because of her too. He hurt himself too much for her. But why? Why did he let himself be hurt like this? Why couldn't he just let her go and end all the pain? She moved her hand to touch his cheek when she saw he was waking up. She immediately put her hand down. Steve looked to his side and saw her. She looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me that you are sick?" She asked and he looked away from her. "Why should I? You don't care if I am sick or not." He answered. She deserved that. She knew. "I am sorry." She said and held his hand. He felt her touch. He had been wanting to feel it for such a long time. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong." He said and looked at her. "I do. I caused all this. I caused you a lot of pain while being with me." She said while still looking at him but this time Steve could feel something from the way she was looking at him. "It's okay. It is not your fault." He said and gripped her hand softly. "Just let me go, Steve. You can end the pain that I might cause more if we still stay together." Steve let go of her hand when he heard that. "Please. I don't wanna talk about this again." He said and looked away from her. "I want to rest. Please leave me alone for now." He said not wanting to stress himself again. He had enough.

Crystal was a little shocked when he let go of her hand and she could see he was still not going to let her go. She stood up and left the room when he asked her to leave him alone. When he was alone inside the room, he started to cry. For all those years they were married, she never mentioned letting her go but why now she kept on wanting it? He tried to calm down and immediately wiped away his tears when he heard someone coming in. He pretended to fall asleep. They were his parents and his parents-in-law. "He's sleeping so we should go home first and come again later." He heard his father talk. "Yeah. We should let him rest." This time it was his father-in-law. He was just hoping for them to leave the room fast. His mother went over to him and kissed him on his forehead. "Stay strong, honey." She whispered to his ear before she left him to be with the rest. When everyone had gone, he opened his eyes back and sighed deeply. He knew that his mother knew something was bothering him. But he didn't want to tell anything yet to her.

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