Part 12

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Crystal went over to Steve's room after she had done with her clock round. It has been over a week. Steve showed some positive progress and that was enough for her. He didn't have to use life support anymore because his heart was strong enough to beat on its own. She sat next to the bed and stroked his hair tenderly. "Hey, baby. It's me again. I know I have come to check on you several times today." She said and giggled. "I just can't get enough of your cute face of yours." She said and then touched his cheek. "You've been sleeping a lot. Don't you think it is time for you to wake up?" She asked and started to have tears in her eyes. "I miss you too damn much." She said and kissed his hand. "You know today, I treat a little kid. He is 9 years old. He was being too naughty to get himself hurt. He's too cute. Just like you." She said and smiled a little. "Maybe someday we can have kids together. I have made us waste 3 years of our marriage with my ego. I don't wanna waste it anymore." She said and sniffled. She was then looking at him and saw there were tears slowly running down from the edge of his eyes. "You can hear me?" She asked because all this while she was talking to him, she never saw any reaction from him. "If you can hear me, try to squeeze my hand. It is okay even just for a bit." She said and waited for him to react to what she just asked him to do. She looked at their hands and saw he was moving his fingers slowly and giving a light squeeze to her hand. She then kissed his hand happily. "That's good, baby. I know you are strong to fight this." She said and then she slowly bend closer to him and kissed his lips softly. "I am always gonna be here for you." She said and smiled. "I hope to see those beautiful brown eyes of yours soon." She said and then sat back on the chair. It was like her daily routine already to be there for him after she was done with her work. She only went home to get changed and cleaned the house a bit.

Crystal fall asleep next to him. She hadn't had enough sleep since Steve was in a coma. Her parents came to visit Steve. They were smiling to see her sleeping next to him. At least, the tragedy wasn't a tragedy at all. They were still worried about Steve but at the same time happy to see the change in Crystal. Crystal opened her eyes slowly when she heard people talking. She slowly got up and saw her parents. "I am sorry. I didn't notice you guys are coming." She said and carefully got off the bed. "It's okay. We know that you haven't gotten enough rest." Her mother said and then hugged her daughter. "How is he?" She asked while looking at Crystal. "Good progress I think. He could hear us. I asked him to squeeze my hand before. It was just a light one but still, he was showing good progress." She said and smiled. Her mother held her hand and smiled too. "Yeah. That is good progress. He will wake up soon, honey." Crystal nodded her head and hugged her mother. "Yeah, he will." She stayed in her mother's arms. "Anyway, don't forget to eat and take care of yourself too. He won't be happy to see you are sick when he wakes up." She smiled and nodded her head. "I promise, mom." She said and then looked at her father. "You're being quiet today." She said and her father went over to her and kissed her forehead. "I thought you are still angry with me for you know.." He said while looking at her. Crystal smiled and hugged him. "I am not mad at you anymore. Perhaps, you are doing the right thing. You are right about Steve. He is a great man. It is just me too late to realize it." She said and sobbed against her father's chest. "No baby girl. It is not too late. Steve is gonna be okay and you can tell him how you feel about him." He said and stroked her hair gently. "I am really glad that you can finally accept him." She hugged him tighter. "Thanks, dad. I am sorry for being mad at you." She said and he just kept hugging her. "It's okay. No offense taken." He said and chuckled.

Her father was then drawn back from the hug. "Well, we gotta go. We have something to do. We'll come again soon." He said and kissed her forehead once again. "Okay, dad. See you soon." She said and went to send her parents to the room door. "Remember, don't skip meals, and take good care of yourself too." Her mother said before they both left her there alone. She let out a deep breath and looked at her watch. It was time for her to get back to work but first, she needed to get something to eat. She went back inside the room and held his hand. "Hey, babe. I have to go now. So, behave yourself while I am away." She said and giggled. "I will be back after work." She said and kissed his lips. "I love you." She said and stroked his hair. She wiped away her tears and smiled. She just wished to hear him saying he loves her too. She left the room and get over to the cafeteria first to eat then continue with her job.

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