part 2

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2nd person pov:
After class bakugou dared to challenge you since you were quirk less. He thought it would be an easy win. Everyone was shocked that you accepted and warns you that he doesn't go easy. "Good. He better not go easy on me cause I'll beat him at his full power with ease!" You said. He laughed. "Yea right no way a quirkless wanna be can beat me!" "Oh its fucking on!"  You guys go set up in the training area. "Don't you dare hold back!" "I would never think about it!" The battle began and you easily dodged all his attacks no matter how fast or random they were so he used his grenade hand things and fired a very huge exsploseion and when it calmed down/stopped you couldn't be seen. Everyone began to panic but then suddenly he was tied up on the ground and you were there not even sweating. "How did you do that?" Midoriya asked.  "Well if you were paying attention it was quite simple! At the last second so he couldn't see I jumped into a very heavily shadowed area a and saw rope so when he was distracted I grabbed it and tied him up quickly without getting to close. Duh." You said. "But no one has ever beaten bakugou." Uraraka said. "More importantly you came up with that while in battle?!" Mina exclaimed. "It was how I was abu-...... Trained!hehe..." You said but everyone heard you nearly say abused. "You were abused too?" Said a guy you didn't meet last night. "Oh also um I'm Todoroki." He said. "Yea... My family called it training but it was low key abuse." You said. "My father did the same. As soon as I developed my quirk. I was 4 or 5." He said. "I was 2. I couldn't even walk or talk yet. Only 3 people that lived with me didn't abuse me. My little sister sally my little sister Lucy and my big brother Toby. And 18 people lived in the same house as me. Only one being a parent. At least when I was young. When I was twelve more people moved in and only one out of  the 4 that moved in house didn't abuse me. And that was my little sister Lazari." You said. It was so hard to say that you felt tears running down your cheeks and you told them. "We're so sorry!" Midoriya said and everyone even bakugou agreed. You untied bakugou and left to your room. No one bothered you cause the knew you needed time alone to calm down. Little did they know how you couped  wasn't good at all. You washed of the makeup on you're arm. You had it all over your body to hide your stitches from all that abuse. You took a knife that you brought to U.A as a weapon and cut your arm three times. You put on bandages over them and covered them in your makeup that you use to hide stitches and also covered your  stitches. Then came out with everyone. "You ok?" Asked Mina. "I'm fine now. Thanks." You said. Turns out everyone was talking about legends. "I know one. My sister Lucy told me about it. Atahollian. Thats what the legend is about." You told them. "What is octa-what a what" Denki asked. "Oh its a river that has all the answers about the past. But only the past." You said. "Really?! Can you tell us the legend?" Mina asked with sparkles in her eyes. "Sure but its a song..." You said. "Thats fine!" Kirisima said. "Ok then" you said. Then you began to sing. "Where the north winds meet the sea~ there's a river full of memory~ sleep my darling safe and sound~ for in this river all is found~ in her waters deep and true~ lie the answers and a path for you~ dive in deep into her sound~  but not to for or you'll be drowned~ yes she will sing to those who'll hear~ and in her song~ all magic flows~ but can you brave what you most fear?~ can you face... What the river knows~ Where The Northwinds~ Meet The Sea~ There's A Mother~ Full Of Memory~ come my darling home word bound~ when all is lost then all is found~" you sang with a clear beautiful voice.

Authors note:
Yes I used frozen two! Bite me. Any way part 3 will have dabi. Yay!

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