chapter 1

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Second person Pov
"I can't believe their making me do this!" You said out loud heading to UA to move into your dorm. You got accepted yesterday. You couldn't wait to get it over with.As you moved in you saw a lot of people. You were part of class 1-A due to your power despite not having a quirk. You were really good with all weapons, even things that aren't weapons. Your family basically abused you into shape. You "trained" or what you call abuse since you were 2. Literally couldn't walk but you started "training". Any way you moved onto your room and unpacked then you flopped on your bed. You never slept after your "training" started. Since then sleep never bothered you. You could never sleep. You began to say "sleep is for the weak!" whenever someone asked you about it. Someone was knocked at your door a little bit after you were done unpacking. When you opened the door there was a guy with green hair and eyes. "Hi!!! I'm izuku midoriya!" He greeted. "I'm....(y/n)" you said. "(Y/n) what if you don't mind me asking." He said. "Just (y/n) ok?" You said not wanting to share your last name due to your family. "Ok! Any way would you like to meet everyone? I could introduce you!" You thought it would be good for your notes. "Sure I guess." You said. He lead to to the main room. Immediately after he did a brown hair girl, red hair boy, blue hair boy with glasses, and yellow hair with a black streak in it came rushing up to you. "Who is your friend midoriya?" The blue hair boy spoke. "This is (y/n) their the new student!" Midoriya said to him. "Oh well I'm Iida. The class rep." The blue haired one said. "I'm uraraka!" The brown haired one said. "I'm kirishima!" The red haired one said. "And I'm kamanari! But every one calls me Denki!" As everyone was introducing themselves some one with blonde hair came storming out of their room. "Oh hey kachan!" Midoriya said "Shut up deku!" He basically yelled. You covered your mouth when he said that. "What's up?" Uraraka said. "Deku in japanese means either A. Useless, worthless, good for nothing, ect. Or B. A wooden puppet." You said. Then everyone looked at the blonde who said that. "Why did you say "in japanese"?" The blonde asked you. "Oh well I'm forienge. I'm from america. Oh by the way I'm (y/n)." "Thats so cool!" A pink skinned and haired girl said. "I'm Mina!" She said. "And the guy who called midoriya deku is bakugou." "Oh ok thanks." You said. "What's your quirk?" Denki said. "What? Oh I um... Don't have one." You said "WHAT?! THEN HOW DID YOU GET IN!!!!" Bakugou yelled. "I'm really good at fighting with weapons and my bear fists. I'm also very good at parkour."
-the next day-
At class you just listened bored to death. After class you went back to the dorms.

To be continued. Dabi will come later!

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