Chapter 8

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We had been resting for awhile before suddenly i heard static in my head. His static. I grab my head and winced in pain as it got louder. "(y-y

)? What's wrong? What's going on? Are you ok?" dabi said with panic in his voice. I couldn't respond. Not with this god awful static in my head. I looked around the room trying to find any sign of him but to no avail. Soon it calmed meaning he was just passing by the area. But that meant he knew i was here. Or did he? He might have been just scouting looking out for zalgo's cumps. I finally looked up at dabi. "sorry 'bout that. HE was passing by and his god awful static came with him." "I have no clue what you mean by that but do you think he knows your hear?" I shook my head. "he was probably just scouting making sure enemies weren't in his territory." "well than we can relax. Imma turn on the news k?" "k." He turned on the news just for us to find the headline was about me missing and how U.A's looking for me and if you see me call. I thought to myself greeeeaaaaat. The news than moved on to news stuff. I normally don't watch the news. It was a very slow day but i couldn't shake the awful feeling still. But that was normal i guess. Dabi watched the news while i went to eat something. I was hella board and kinda tired. I fixed up a sloppy sandwich and headed back into the room. Dabi was Still watching the damn news. I flopped down next to him and ate my sandwich and went to bed to soon be awoken by the sounds of fighting. I ran out the room to see Jeff and E.J fighting the league. Neither side winning nor losing. Quickly i joined the league cause fuck them. And soon enough the league was winning. "What the hell (y

)?!" Jeff called out. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck slendy im with them now and nothing will stop that. Im aloud and am picking what i want for once in my life because unlike you i am not stuck with some shitty ass life that im used like a puppet. Here im appreciated and my efforts are celebrated and cared for and i get a fucking break." I didn't care that he was in a way my brother. I wanted out so i am getting out. Soon enough luckily they retreated back 'home' and we could once again relax. I knew that this was just the beginning but i didn't care with how strong tht trained me to be.

Hey guys sorry this took so long im working on a book i actually plan to publish and sell. Ive also been very busy with family and school. I hope you all have had a safe year. I also have another account i use for reading so yea dont really get notifications from this account cause im normally logged on to the other account. But i put this together at 5 am for you all and damn thanks so much for over 12K reads. Also made this in my creepypasta phase and not really the kind of fan i was back then so it will change just abit. But i promise the next chapter will be no less than 1500 words and more creative. If you have suggestions please let me know and stay safe love ya bye!

little bird. (dabi x suicidal reader)Where stories live. Discover now