Gabby: Part twelve

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        Gabby hadn’t taken the fact that they had left without Chiron’s consent into consideration and now she had to pay the consequences. She glanced over towards Ana and Leo, both looking nervous for the judgement of their fate. They were having such a good time, partying over their victory and their victory just had to end short, didn’t it? Gabby prepared herself for the horrid punishment. She met Chiron’s eyes, awaiting her punishment.

        “As I’m sure you are all aware, you left without my consent, except for you Percy and Annabeth of course, being in New Rome,” Chiron said. “And as a punishment, I will assign you to wash the dishes for a week. That is all! Now resume to your daily schedule!” Gabby stared awestruck at Chiron. They had been missing for three days and all he is making them do is clean the dishes? Ana and Leo let out a breath of relief, beyond glee. The group dispersed to their daily activities, while Percy and Annabeth, Gabby assumed must have just greeted everyone and took a stroll around the premises, while Gabby stood, gaping at Chiron.

        “Uh, Mister Chiron, sir. All you want us to do is clean the dishes for a week? B-but we were gone for three days!” Gabby practically shrieked.  

        “Please, just call me Chiron. And I learned many years ago, that there are things that you are supposed to do and things that you need to do,” Chiron explained. “You were supposed to stay at camp and tell Leo to do the same. What you needed to do, however, was asist your good friend there on his quest.”

        “So, you’re saying I did the right thing?” asked Gabby.

        “There is no right or wrong. There is merely ‘this’ or ‘that,” replied Chiron, smiling.



        Gabby sat beside Alexa, eating her plantains gratefully. After eating two days worth of tacos and eating a steak (which she found out quickly she did not like), plantains with mac and cheese tasted heavenly. Gabby glanced over towards the Hunter’s table. While all the Hunters were chatting amongst themselves merrily, Ana played with her food, solemnly. Making sure no one was looking, Gabby darted over towards their table and sat beside Ana.

        “What’s up?” Gabby asked. Ana sighed and replied with a halfhearted “nothing” while stealing a glimpse over toward the Hephaestus table with Leo appearing in the same state. Immediately Gabby analyzed the situation. How could a Hunter ever fall in love with anyone? The answer was simple: she can’t.

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