Leo: Part eleven

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        Leo didn’t mean for that to come out. It just sort of came out. His awesomeness just couldn’t be contained. He was melting that ice like Bruce Lee and saved the life of his best friend. He also didn’t mean for that “I love you” to slip out either. He felt beyond mortified. She was a Hunter, an immortal, maiden Hunter, what was he thinking? She probably thought of him as a complete weirdo now, Leo thought as he melted another giant snowball being hurled at him. He glanced at Ana slicing the snowballs with her sword as if she was merely slicing air. Poof! A snowball hit him in the face, which left a powerful sting on his face. He spit out some snow from his mouth and sat up.

        “Stop playing in the snow and get up!” Percy yelled at Leo over the snowballs. Suddenly, Calypso began singing the most beautiful tune Leo had ever heard which led up to him getting hit by another snowball. As soon as Calypso had sung, the grass surrounding them had begun to rise.

        “Oh no you don’t!” Piper gritted between her teeth. Then, Leo thought was a sound from heaven. The sound was coming from Piper.

        “Somewhere over the rainbow way up high. There’s a land I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow the skies are a blue. And the dreams you dare to dream really do come true,”  Piper sang. Immediately everyone except Khione was under her spell. Leo never wanted to escape it, it was too beautiful like Piper. Piper was real pretty. Calypso, in zombie mode faced Piper, awestruck. The grass shrank to a normal height and only then did Leo and the others realize Khione did not cease hurling the large pieces of snow. Of course, to Leo’s luck, he was drenched from head to toe with icy water. On the other hand, Percy and Ana were completely dry. At that moment, Percy whispered something to Ana and she nodded. Leo lit his body and the water immediately vanished from his skin and clothes. Suddenly the snowballs stopped and Khione had begun moving her hand rapidly around a glowing piece of snow.

        “Say your last goodbyes demigods, before you all turn into ice statues. You’ll make a wonderful statue for Khione’s brother,” said Calypso, smiling maniacally, while looking at Piper.

        “But that will be a problem,” Percy said, grinning alongside Ana.

        “And what problem will this arise?” Calypso asked.

        “We can’t become ice statues. Sorry,” replied Percy with false sympathy. “For Olympus!” Percy screamed. In perfect unison, both Ana, and Percy, suddenly made the melted water rise, like an ocean wave. Together, they released the wave, letting it crash over Khione and Calypso. As soon as the wave hit them, the water immediately turned into ice, concealing Khione and Calypso in their own imprisonment. Everyone gaped at the sudden occurrence towards Percy and Ana, yet unsure of what they had just witnessed.   

        “Uh, Percy kind of told me to gather the melted water when he said ‘For Olympus’, so uh, yeah,” Ana explained blushing, probably from all the attention appointed towards her.

        The group, after recovering from the shock, erupted into a cheer. And of course, what is a victory without a party?



        Ana and Percy summoned the pegasi to take them to Florida to party. Leo had no idea why Florida specifically, but Leo did not ask. They all settled in an Applebee's in Tampa.

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