Breathless: Ana

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Hey, ya'll. I bring forth unfortunate news. After a while of no typing on keyboards, we have come to the realization that we are not going to resume writing the sequel. However, because you have stayed thus far, I will post here what we have completed. Hope you enjoy it!



Ana hated the dark. That’s all she could see. She hated the unknown lurking within. She hated not having knowledge of her surroundings, it made her brain hurt and her eyes ached for the familiar warm sunlight on her skin. She hated being taken away from who she loved, again. She and Leo had just become happy and now she was gods know where. So, this is what Percy and Annabeth went through. How wonderful.

“Haha! How does it feel, daughter of the sea? The darkness...isn’t it beautiful?” asked a gruff voice protruding from the darkness.

Ana clenched her teeth. She was so scared, but determined not to show it. Ana attempted to walk towards the source of the sound, but once again, failed, due to the three inch iron chains embracing her wrists. She winced as the chains pulled at her body. Everything ached, especially her heart. It was like her blood was being drained from her body then being filled with acid. She choked down a sob, and started to think of Leo. His comforting voice, his soft hands, his warm skin, and his calming dark eyes. She wanted him to be with her so badly. If there was anything she wanted at that moment, it was Leo Valdez, her only love.

“I asked a question! And I expect an answer!” demanded the voice in the dark. And I expect to be freed, but you chained me down like a rogue animal, Ana wished to say. Only her mother would know how to escape this situation. Her mother. Oh gods, she must’ve been so worried and she only got to meet her after ten years of wondering what could’ve happened to her, only to get captured by that monster. She was foolish to disregard her mother right when it attacked! Now she had to pay the severe consequences.

She’s been afraid of this thing since she saw it take her mother away. She closed her eyes and remembered her mother screaming her name to run to Gabby’s house, to get away.

“Oh, you poor helpless child,” the voice cackled. “cat got your tongue?” it teased. “Come on, girl. Say something and I’ll spare you for my amusement.” it said, sending a chill down her spine.

“What do you want with me?” Ana shrieked, her voice cracking.

“She lives,” it said, amusedly. “Well, it’s very complicated, and your small little head probably couldn’t handle it,” it chuckled, making Ana’s head hurt.

“Oh, don’t worry, my head can handle it,” Ana said with all the confidence she could muster.

“On the second thought, let’s just say I’m too lazy to give you the story. Being cooped up in an air jar for ten years has given me a long time to think,” it said mischievously.

“Fine, couch potato,” she said, being reminded of Leo’s cheesy jokes. Her heart sunk again, making her feel as empty as ever. If he was here, he would make a joke and make her laugh, just like he always did. She smiled sadly at the thought and the voice interrupted her.

“What’s this? Sudden happiness?” it said, making Ana’s fury rise to the surface.

“Let me go, you monster!” she screamed, at the top of her lungs.

“Awww, but we are having such fun!” it cackled. A blinding light filled the room hurting her eyes. After being in complete darkness, she stumbled back in the sudden light. Her eyes screamed in agony. She clasped her eyes shut and shielded them with her hands. She peeked through her fingers and squinted at the bright room. She screamed louder than she thought possible, for her thoughts were painted all over the walls. She saw her mother and the dark shadow take her away. She saw Leo’s face all over one wall, his eyes shining in the artificial images. She saw everything she thought about in the dark that had engulfed her for so long. She stumbled and fell, falling on the plain ground, listening to the mocking laughter of the darkness that engulfed her before.

“How-how did you-” she stammered, bursting with anger and fear.

“Oh, sweet, sweet Andromeda,” the thing said with a hint of anger. “I know much more than you hoped possible,” it cackled. “So many juicy thoughts,” it laughed. “so much feeling and heart ache. I love it! You rarely get this much fun entertainment, you know. Yes, child. You are extra special to me.” it said. Ana stared, horrified at the new images popping up all over the walls. Leo’s face melted and became horribly evil, she closed her eyes and hugged her knees. She heard her mother’s laugh, mocking her. She screamed again and the voice laughed cheerfully. “Welcome to your new home, Ana.” it said almost calmly before laughing like an evil witch from a horror story.




The faces stopped mocking her when she fell asleep in her ball of cries. Her dream was just as horrible. Her dreams were slightly sharper than the other demigods, but not as good as the Apollo kids. She had no idea why, but it was true.

She was stuck in a cage and Leo approached. Her eyes stung with tears and she stood in front of him with tears streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly a wall separated them. He said two words that puzzled her, “I’m sorry.” He looked away and Ana stared at him with sincere emotion. The scene changed and she was chained to a huge rock against very strong tides. She saw the silhouette of a large creature with a snake like back.

“WAKE UP! NOW!” a familiar voice shouted, waking Ana up from her dream. Ana woke up to the familiar chains lagging on her ankles.

“What do you want?!” she screamed, her eyes stinging.  

“I want you to be tortured until you can’t even walk!” it squeaked cheerfully. She sat down and thought about the possible things this creature would do to her. How could anything be as horrible as the taunting walls, she thought. Little did she know how wrong she was.

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