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I was looking through an old photo book from our school years, made by Remus as a wedding gift for Lexi and I. I was trying to distract myself from the fact that Harry is facing expulsion and my wife is still missing. When I reached the back of the book, I smiled sadly. The last picture is of Lexi and I dancing at our wedding. As I was about to close the book, I noticed something peeking out from behind the picture. I pulled it out and gasped. A letter. I opened it, and read it.

Dear Padfoot,

If you're reading this, then it means something has happened to me. I charmed this letter to appear if I was missing (or died) and you were in some real need to cheer the hell up. So I will say this one thing first: CHEER YOUR DAMN ARSE UP AND STOP BEING SAD! The world really sucks when you are sad, so we need happy Snuffles.

I chuckled and kept reading.

I still love you, no matter how far away or how long I am away. I am unable to determine if I have died by the time you are reading this, but I can assure you that even if I am dead, I still love you to the moon and back. And we all know that if I am dead, I did not go down without a fight. Be Sirius here. Well, be Sirius all the time, but you know what I mean.

Things will get better, no matter how grim things look now. I promise you that much. And if Remus starts trying to claim that he is a monster, would you kindly smack him over the back of the head for me? And lecture him on how he is not a monster, and that my disappearance (or death) was not his fault, and that he is always going to be my best friend, and that I wish I could be there to help him like old times. As for James and Lily, I hope they're doing fine, James is probably still an arsehole, but I love him for it. I Hope Harry is doing great as well.

This made me frown. She wouldn't know about anything that happened in the past 14 years. She doesn't know about James and Lily.

Now, if Riley is reading this as well, then this is for her. If not, tell her this. Riley. I am so incredibly proud of you, no matter what you do. I simply adore my beautiful baby girl who looks so much like the only other love of my life. I don't know how old you are by the time this letter appears, but I want you to know that I will always be so incredibly proud of you and that I would never willingly leave my baby girl. You are so beautiful, please never let anybody tell you otherwise. You are beautiful, you are smart, and I will forever be proud of you. No matter what house you are in at Hogwarts, no matter what you grow up to be as an adult, and no matter who you marry in the future. You are, and always will be my baby girl. I love you so so so much. Remember that.

I love all of you so much, and even if I'm not there physically, I will always be with you spiritually.

Lots of Love


p.s. Tell Molly and Arthur that I say hello.

I was near tears when I finished reading this. I can't believe this. I really can't believe it. This letter has to be a sign. It has to be a sign that Lexi might still be alive.

I sat there for several minutes, reading and rereading the letter over and over. I know that she said that she might be dead when this appears, but I have to hope that this means she's alive. My only idea is that she disappeared to keep Lexi safe. Either that or she's died, but Remus, Dumbledore, and I are hoping for the latter. Nobody else who's alive and sane seems to believe that Lexi is alive. They all believe she died. Even Minnie.


Thanks for reading!

This is the sequel to Danger ~ S. Black and the ending to the cliffhanger (sorta)

I promise that I will reveal what happened to Lexi, but not for several chapters.

Hope y'all enjoyed it!

<3 Riley

p.s. I will update every Wednesday! (Hopefully. Time has gone all Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey lately)

p.p.s. Hopefully, this will be more coordinated than the first book as I'll be spending more time editing each chapter before they get posted.

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