Chapter 9

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Aasma's POV

"Yeah, now tell me, why are you upset, huh," Santosh asked me in curiosity.

I know that he was worried about me. Though I'm his friend but he always treats me as his little sister.

"Tell me Aasma. You know right, we will always support you. So tell me whatever the problem is? We can surely solve it. And you know me right, I have solutions to every problem. So just tell me." He winked.

"Santosh, actually Mr. Caleb asked me to assist the Student President for the upcoming event and ..." he cut me off

"And? And what? You don't want to do it?"

"Yes, I don't want to."

"That's not a big problem.

"Of course it is. He is a big torture." I gritted my teeth.

"But I have a superb idea."


"Yes, an Idea"


"Take a medical leave, simple," he advised me.

"Just submit an application to the college office informing them that you are having a viral fever or something like that."

"Fever? What? Sweetie, Are you having a fever? Why didn't you tell me before." Sahil panicked as he heard our conversation.

"Oh, Sahil, come join us. Actually Aasma....wait." Santosh said before grabbing his phone from his pants pocket as it started ringing.

"Mom's call," Santosh said after checking the name on the phone.
"Sorry guys, I need to attend this call. Please, Excuse me." Santosh left the table to attend the call.

"What happens? Are you sick? Let's go to a doctor then?" Sahil's eyes show his sincere concern.

"I'm completely fine. Don't worry. "

"Then what about medical leave and fever," touching my forehead to check.

"Sahil, I'm fine. Don't worry. Please."

"But there is something wrong. I can feel that."

"Yes, I'm a bit disturbed."

"What happens? Tell me lov.... sweetie?"

"Did he just said, love?" I asked myself.

"No, no, it's not possible. I must have mistaken it." I thought.

"Mr. Caleb asked me to assist someone in organizing the event as our Chief Minister supposed to come as the chief guest but Sahil, I really don't want to do it."

"Why?" he asked me softly.

"Because, he is a torture, a devil and I hate him." I gritted my teeth.

"And how does it related to your work? He frowned and continued softly

"Aasma, you are very efficient. We all know about it and that's the reason why Mr. Caleb has asked you to assist him. And being the Cultural Head of our college, it is very much your duty too. Sweetie, it not about what you like or not. But it is about your responsibility. Mr.Caleb has a lot of expectations from you. Why you are letting someone affect you so much? Aasma, the girl whom I know is not weak at all. She is very strong and talented. And I strongly believe that you will surely stand on everyone's expectations. Right?"

I nodded at him with a smile.

"Sahil, you are a sweetheart. How do you do all this? You know, just about half an hour ago, I was so disturbed and upset but you turned my all negative thought into a positive one."

I stood and moved towards his seat.

"I just love you, dear. You know, you are the best friend, the best mentor, the best son and I am very sure, you will be the best husband too. Your wife will be very lucky to have you as her life partner."
And I promise I will prove myself to Mr. Caleb. " I said with a smile before pulling him for a tight hug.

"I need to go to the Auditorium. I catch you up later. Bye."

He was just staring at me with a smile on his face. And when I was about to leave the café, I turned back and called his name.

" Sahil".

He was already looking at me. He must have not moved his eyes from me. Anyway, I brushed away my thoughts.

"Thank you," I said loudly.

He smiled and mumbled something which I couldn't hear.
And I left for the auditorium.


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